How to increase my winrate in BB

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How to increase my winrate in BB

Hi everyone just wanted to know people's thoughts on this topic,

I am currently beating 2NL Zoom for just over 7bbs/100 planning to move up at the end of the month when i feel solid and my bankroll is a little bigger because i don't want to move straight back down building myself a cushion so to speak

I am winning at every spot apart from BB losing -65bbs/100 when doing some research i saw that a good number should be around -30bbs/100 i have done some studying and found that our call vs a 3x has to be at least 31% equity. So i now defend a lot more when i think I have that also my sample size isn't huge but i was told that 20k hands is enough to see whats going on with my game.



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Mudkip 4 years, 7 months ago

Show us some stats on your BB play.
Also, you need more than 31% equity, it's not just about pot odds, you gotta consider position, equity realization, etc. If all you needed to call was 31% you could call 75o vs UTG open :p
Playing from the BB is complex, if you can see some videos from RIO about the subject it's much better than us giving you generic advice.

cdubdiddly 4 years, 7 months ago

I'm just going to brainstorm a little because there's not enough info and it's a tough question regardless.

What is your rake in bb/100 from the BB??
My rake is 10.3BB/100 playing some 50NL & 200NL, mostly 100NL, but only 7.8BB/100 overall. So, one thought is if the rake is something even more egregious you might be better off moving up now.

I'm only hemorrhaging -26.5BB/100 from BB thru 27k hands from the BB...I'm looking at my big winners from the BB and it's mostly people spewing money to me when I have AA, AK, KK, or a set. I'm pretty nitty from the BB except BB vs SB, running 23/10/8 3b. I don't think you want to play too many marginal hands multiway even though you are getting pot odds. There's a lot of reverse implied odds scenarios and it's hard to realize your equity OOP. 3betting with a range advantage and picking up rake-free pots pre-flop every once in a while will help, so without knowing your style, maybe never slow play preflop? Also, don't be afraid to check call sometimes with made hands...sometimes you need to give villain a chance to spew because they would otherwise just fold to aggression. It feels really uncomfortable some times but you get used to it.

28% WTSD%, 50% W$SD&, 34% W$WSF at the BB...idk if that's good, but maybe if you have even lower W$WSF from BB you're better off tightening up and getting a little more aggro? You could also look at some action filters like RiverActionBetCall, RiverActionCheckCall=true to see if maybe you're making too many marginal calls where you're better off folding?

Hope this helps,

Stoic-Centurion947 4 years, 7 months ago

How do i look at my big winners on HM2? I have looked at the stats in BB I have paid 9 dollars rake i would move up but i started with like 40 dollars im at 60 wanna get to like 120 im depositing again next month anyways just wanted to beat 2NL before i move up.

WTSD% - 27.2%
W$SD% - 43.3%
W$WSF% - 42%
Hands - 3,901

cdubdiddly 4 years, 7 months ago

Using HM3, not sure about HM2. Keep logging hands, you can't fix it all at once. It's good that you're thinking about it though.

RunItTw1ce 4 years, 7 months ago

Worry too much about individual position. Just make money each session and as your bankroll increases move up in stakes. I'm probably losing a ton from the BB but I am still crushing each level I play. Most of it is going to come from post flop play. Donk bet more often, check raise more often, 3 bet vs steals more often with a polarize sizing. There are lot of different answers. The biggest winners in the game are going to make a lot of correct river decisions though.

KingofKaos 4 years, 7 months ago

Massive rake means 3bet vs steals more than calling or just fold those marginal and small hands, such as 23 suited.

You are probably calling too much from the bb

RunItTw1ce 4 years, 7 months ago

Everyone is always talking about rake, but peoples post flop mistakes are much greater than their preflop mistakes. IMO rake is nullified by these mistakes. You can 3 bet to 9bb and steal their 3bb or let them spazz postflop for potential stacks when they think they need to bluff catch every time they hit top pair. Post is for 2NL, how much rake is there actually in this game? If it's standard 5%, i'm not worried about it.

Stoic-Centurion947 4 years, 7 months ago

I maybe am i use a 3bet or fold strat in the SB ill start 3 betting more from BB and do a little less calling

RunItTw1ce 4 years, 7 months ago

I would just play rather face up. Hands like ATo and KJo 77-22 are marginal 3 bet SB vs Btn, but can still be profitable flat calls. Poker is about being less black and white and more of a gray area, where it's ok to flat some times. Especially when players behind you are fish and you want to keep them in the pot.

I think the above link Peter Clarke watching his student play, who uses a 3 bet or fold strategy mostly and a couple times through out the video, Peter tells him he would flat call in spots in the SB rather than fold. ATo dominates all the A9-A4 that villain is opening on the button. Preflop is only where small amount of money comes from. A lot of it will be post flop. Still wanna use tight ranges though, around 20% of hands or so. Can 3 bet 10% / call 10% and be fine, rather than playing a 15% 3 bet or fold strategy. Hope this helps.

Stoic-Centurion947 4 years, 7 months ago

yes i does thanks i will watch it appreciate all your help thanks mate

Brady2moss79 4 years, 7 months ago


Obviously you have gotten some great advice ITT but I wanted to chime in myself, perhaps to just feel like part of the group!

The situation you are trying to explore is so vital to ones success in poker that I would begin with a more big-picture viewpoint. Instead of trying to match other players statistics, just consistently study your BB defense hands, both OOP and IP.

One method is to post a bunch of hands and that certainly has value but I think eventually you're going to want to invest in solver/range analysis software and get working in that direction.

It probably sounds like overkill at your stakes, but I think the primary benefit is the ability to solve a wide range of flops and see how your aggression/call levels should change based on various board textures.

Other hints:

Meticulous pre-flop standards. What sort of hands are you 3betting preflop? What are you calling with, vs 2.5x and 3x? Are you sliding your defend frequencies based on HUD stats from RFI? Your defense patterns vs NITs will be different than typical forum reg.

It sounds tedious but write down by hand your entire defense range vs every position against a typical opponent. Considering you are OOP any deviations from a good preflop strategy are going to compound and give you problems.

Color code your HUD preflop stats. Find guys who RFI at higher rate than normal but then also fold to 3bets more than they should etc. At the very least make sure you are 3betting these guys at least at an optimal rate. Avoiding flops when the rake is sky high will help your bottom line a lot.

Most of all, be patient, for a few reasons.
A) You're already winning in this spot and poker is not easy.
B) It's the most difficult spot to be in and ANY progress in this spot is going to have tremendous spillover to the rest of your game, specifically when you RFI from the button.

Best Wishes,

Mudkip 4 years, 7 months ago

That being said, you really need to have a general preflop idea, try building some ranges about how you play vs each position open and then deviate from them according to situation. Trying to deviate from something that is not very tangible can be troublesome and snowball quite fast.
Then also set some kind of situations where you want to deviate more. For instance, "I'm the SB and someone from late position open. They don't fold often to 3bet, I have a low pocket pair, the big blind doesn't squeeze often/is a weaker player, I'm going to flat instead of playing 3-bet or fold here".
When we play we need to make decision on the spot and when multi tabling you can find yourself short on time, doing this exercise before hand will be very valuable.

HawksWin 4 years, 7 months ago

Stoic-Centurion947 Some good advice in here.

Can you post your winrate when you are BB and facing a SB Raise First In? A little work in this area and you will soon see how drastically you can improve your winrate in just one spot.

Why is this so important?

1) You have position on a range that is arguably just as wide, if not wider, than a BTN RFI range (usually charts will advocate @ 45% RFI from SB and BTN).

2) You can call a ton due to the price (you are invested). Work on floating flop and betting turns vs check. Bet a ton of flop when they check. It's amazing how often they fold.

3) You can 3b a ton. They fold a lot (great result). They call a lot and fold to c-bet (another great result).

4) By splashing around and using position as a HUGE advantage, you can start to offset all of the folding you have to do when facing aggression in other spots (UTG RFI and you have to fold trash).

Hope this helps.

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