How to handle highflops in 3bet pot - Hand one
Posted by KaWab00ng4
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Mid Stakes
How to handle highflops in 3bet pot - Hand one
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (4 Players)
CO: $132.13
BN: $100.00
SB: $38.45
BB: $100.00 (Hero)
BN: $100.00
SB: $38.45
BB: $100.00 (Hero)
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
BN wins $17.01
Rake is $0.99
Rake is $0.99
BTN is a regular player but I haven't any sort of read/stats.
What kind of consideration about hero's and villain's ranges? Best hero actions?
Hand n° 2 -
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I like the light 3bet, you cold use a slighlty smaller size for th reraise. As played, i would fire the flop, since it should favor me as 3betor. I f you think your fold EQ is low, x/foling is also fine.
Not much to add. I don't like check/folding, because we have a decent equity, so if we're not check/calling, I would rather just bet and turn my hand into a (semi)bluff. We can triple barrel this hand pretty effectively since we block villains bets possible hands (66/A6, and he doesn't have AA/KK/AK in his range, so 6 blocker is very good for triple barreling).
We could also check/call, but I would prefer that option only if we knew that villain is not barreling a lot. The problem with check/call is that villain can easily barrel turns and rivers and we have to fold.
@samu wont the 3rd barrel be a waste though? We would need Ax to fold right? I think 2 barrel can be good since he may float flop or call flop with Kx.
can you explain the 3rd barrel is it to stop us getting bluffed by flushes? but he shouldn't have to many right
Since we rep so strong (aa,kk,ak) we can easily get villain to fold ax with triple barreling.
Villain should call the turn with many Kx-hands, flushdraws and weak Ax-hands that are folding on the river. In theory we should have some bluffs in our triple barreling range because we want to triple barrel our good hands for value. If we decide to take aggressive line with 6x, I think it is a great hand to bluff on the river, because we block the best hands that villain can have.
And I don't think that bluffing with this hand would be "waste", because we can't get to showdown very often anyway, villain will most likely bluff his missed flushdraws and all the stuff we beat if we check the river, so we don't really have showdownvalue with our hand, but we do have a great bluffing hand with a very relevant blocker and it's not like villain can just happily call with every Ax, because we can have AA/KK/AK/AQ/AJ for value. Kx and worse will most certainly fold on the river.
AND we avoid getting bluffed by missed flushdraws. We do beat those hands, but we benefit if he folds them, because he will most likely bluff us off if we check. :)
Well, in both hands seems we have to fire at least 2 barrels because we have
How much this plan is influenced by AKxs/KQxs flops?
Would be very tempted to fire or even check-raise that board since it's so good for your range. Do you have any reads on how villain plays AK pre?
No reads/stats :(
I don't like a x/f, we have too much equity + we have a big range advantage here.
Betting flop all day every day 24/7, the blocker is just lovely on this board, and our range just smashes the texture.
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