How to handle highflops in 3bet pot - Hand two
Posted by KaWab00ng4
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Mid Stakes
How to handle highflops in 3bet pot - Hand two
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (6 Players)
MP: $104.15
CO: $100.00
BN: $101.00 (Hero)
SB: $122.36
BB: $121.07
UTG: $88.47
CO: $100.00
BN: $101.00 (Hero)
SB: $122.36
BB: $121.07
UTG: $88.47
Hero is BN with
, , , ,
Final Pot
CO wins $16.54
Rake is $0.96
Rake is $0.96
Same as hand one
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One of the best flop for our hand. Surely worth c-betting here. When villain checks twice, we can elininate all of his sets and two pair, so there should at least follow a delayed c-bet if you are scared of a flop x/raise.
What we rep with a delayed cbet? If you bet the turn what is your plan on the river? Double barrel flop and turn shold probably be better than delayed+bet. I'm not scared of a x/r, but I think that this kind of boards are supergood for our uncapped range but good for villain range too (strong hands, bluffcatchers and a small % of air); but villain has the positional advantage. So, in my mind, I have to 3barrell on a lot of run outs (semibluff) or shutdown and play my equity. Makes sense?
Doesnt matter, as long as we get him to fold better ax and weak pps, we are fine betting anywhere in the hand, but we really need to reinforce our natural equity with fold equity.
you have pistional advantage, not him. and you never have to fire a 2nd or 3rd shell here,
My bad again. I'm sorry for this, but I did a little of confusion between hand 1 and 2.
when you are in doubt, just ask, is a flop bet plus ev? We can calculate that by using fold equity calculators, our hand should have about 35% overall. Now if we bet, we a surely making a plus EV move, given the EQ when called and the times we win the pot uncontested. And only by betting you force villain to make mistakes, either by calling too wide when you have it or folding the currently best hand.
BTW, why do you 3bet this hand pre? Because you heard somewhere that this is a good 3bet hand ? You need to understand yourself why a certain play makes sense.
Very clear TP in the first part of your reply. I agree.
I 3bet this hand because As5s is one of my polarized 3bet bluff combos in a vacuum, based and designed on some general assumptions. Probabily included in a GTO 3bet range BTNvsCO but I don't check this with Snowie or GTORB.
I even simplify it: By 3betting you try to rep aa or kk or qq. So now you coninue with the story, which makes perfect sense to me.
Obviously I agree
Nice :D I frankly would not rely on someting a program has told me to do, but whether if i make sense and if my action in spot x is profitable or not. Since noone knows GTO completly, we can never even consider playing GTO, because of deeper factors we cannot think about in realtime ,playing 4 tables or more.
I think exactly the same way about this kind of softwares. But without doubt, we can consider them like a good way to improve our game in certain situations and with certain objectives. Take a look at the second hand when you can :)
Considering software as a complete solution to NLHE heads-up I recommend following some threads -mostly initaited by user "gametheory" about the gaudico program (even seen on twitch tv) - you can watch how good or bad computers are vs real life opponents..
Little spoiler- the program sucks hard..
Probably it is best cbet OTF but I think sometimes we could also xb, surely it is not EV-.
Turn we could xb again, but river I would definitely bet, we get him to fold AT AJ and PP and we rep again more value combos .
Doesn't expect too much herocall?
No if you have a sensible player image, first because on a paired river imho I think he does not expect that you bluff so often , and second because you might still have a certain number of Qx combos (AQ,QTs,JQs if you 3bet them), TT,JJ which you can play in that way.
Why you play in that way hands like JJ, TT?
why not?
I bet JJ-TT for value if villan can bluffcatch after our double check Ahigh/PP types of hands. But after this
why you bet JJ-TT?
I want to bet A5s here just because I want to vbet thin w TT,JJ. If he calls me I am happy anyway
I would pretty much always bet this on the flop, checking doesn't really do anything imo. We don't even have to be affraid of getting check/raised, because we don't have to fold versus a check/raise.
I like the 3bet wit A5s, it blocks strong hands and has decent equity against pairs if they call. These flops I often plan to 3barrels, almost every reg raises a strong hand on the flop because the board is so wet, so when they call the flop their range is often weak, Aq jj tt aj at kj qj etc. Big part will fold the turn/river on most turns and rivers and you also have tons of Equity against this range.
3barrel is probably a nice plan. I've considered it in my first reply but Disharmonist says
It depends only by run outs? Or this isn't a good plan?
I think it certainly depends on runouts. We pretty much never should be 3-barreling here on J-T-Q turn or river.
I don't hate your line but in general I would prefer a flop bet with your nut draw. Usually weaker FD's (eg 65s, 76s) make better checkback candidates to reduce the risk of putting money in very bad against a higher FD and because you block more of villains folding hands like 66,55,77.
(Also as played then bet river 100% if he had checked)
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