How to extrapolate Pio findings to learn more faster?
Posted by Douggyfr3sh
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Mid Stakes
How to extrapolate Pio findings to learn more faster?
Hey RIO.
I've been working really hard lately on mental game and implementing daily routines to optimize my poker. I am shifting now into using Pio more and trying to plug up the numerous leaks I'm sure I have in 6max NL I'm a fish when it comes to Pio and trying to learn how to use the tool in the most efficient way without wasting time. I misplayed a hand last night and ran a sim on it after my session:
We open T9s MP to 5 and CO flats.
Flop T96 Rainbow (we have BDFD) Pot: 9
I check, villain bets around 6, I x/r to ~24, villain 3bets huge to 72. I jam.
I know that continuing vs this 3bet is a big mistake and we should just fold (exploitatively) in this spot.
I also am very confident that having T9 / BDFD is a great hand to pure x/r here.
I also know after running in Pio that in this spot we should just always check range to start out.
**I learned that when we x/r and get called and turn is a total brick, we can barrel off very aggressively with most/all of our range vs. GTO
My question is: what can we extrapolate from running this one sim?
My thoughts are:
-When we open ep-mp and get flatted and are OOP, we should check range on boards where we are at an equity disadvantage like this or even on boards where we are "not sure" about the equity distributions
-On these types of boards in this formation we are always at a large equity disadvantage
-Whenever we x/r on a board where we are at a large disadvantage and we get called and turn bricks, the advantage shifts dramatically in our favor
Are these good inferences to make? Am I missing others? Is the above way too OOL and am I trying to apply this learning too much?
How do you all go about soaking in the large amount you can learn from a single sim and applying it to similar spots/general strategy?
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Should we have a CR range here?
I feel like in board textures like the above where it favors the callers distribution we should just have a check call range, could be wrong? but I defend 100% continuing range with a call in SRP OOP HJ vs BTN (excluding fish) on these boards.
as for the actual hand I see your logic to CR, not your 4bet jam vs 3bet though.
For soaking info it helps to break the process into smaller steps and tackle material from different angles.
Good points thanks. I think not having a CR range here is good and makes a lot of sense. If we do have a CR range I think this exact hand is for sure in it, but not having one seems very good too. And yes I agree my 4b is quite bad. I definitely think a strategy of no CR here is much easier to play than having some low CR frequency and complicating the tree.
Was villain a good reg?
If he is I would call his flop 3bet and be prepared to shove brick turns, as 87s should not have flatted you pre from the CO
I definitely think a strategy of no CR here is much easier to play than having some low CR frequency and complicating the tree.
exactly my point.
I found that most of my Pio learning takes place from running a sim and basically making a point of running through your entire range in that spot and look for what i like to call outliers. Essentially hands that Pio plays a certain way that i wouldn't expect. To me that is where i learn the most. Since it forces me to think about why Pio plays thos way. Once I figure that out its usually a big a ha moment that changes the way i play my range in that spot. 2nd thing that helps me learn a lot is applying the frequencies as best i can since that is what makes us hardest to exploit. Lastly i strongly suggest u get GTO trainer. Its a program that runs off Pio that allows u to play spots and it tells u if u made the most ev play.
I consider myself a giant Pio fish so if what i said seems elementary it's because I too just started using Pio 3-4 hrs a day when before i only used it like 1 x a month.
"How do you all go about soaking in the large amount you can learn from a single sim and applying it to similar spots/general strategy?"
Your approach in general should probably be the opposite. Rather than running a single sim and trying to extrapolate the results and apply in general spots, I would suggest running a 'lower accuracy' sim that includes all of general spots first.
This way, you start with a solid overall baseline strategy. From this point you can work further with 'higher accuracy' sims for individual hands and also start to run exploitative sims.
Thanks for the feedback. Are you talking about running a script across a subset of flops and Just using the same sizings and lines for all flops first?
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