How to exploit low fold vs 3bet playerpool

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How to exploit low fold vs 3bet playerpool

Hi. What should be proper adjustment vs this playerpool

CO vs BTN fold vs 3bet 42%, 4bet 20%
And after they call 3bet my cbet succes is only 22.2%

Should i widen my range or tighten (now it's 12% bet BTN vs CO)? Should i increase sizing preflop 3bets? I own PIO license but cannot make preflop sims. For now i am using ranges that i bought for NL100 rake but i play nl25 with 2x higher rake.

Ive implemented strategy that almost never cold calls (only in big blind) and only 4bets vs 3bets to avoid paying rake but this playerpool tends to call as phuck which ruins all my plans.


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HawksWin 4 years, 9 months ago

40% fold to 3b seems pretty good. My pool is about 29% fold to 3b CO vs BTN 3b.

What is your approach with your 3b range here?

How is your overall winrate in this dynamic? What is your pools RFI in CO? I am guessing the opening range is somewhere in the 350-400 combo range, which would be like 70 to 80 combos they are 4 betting. (4b ranges take a lot longer to converge properly vs stats like RFI/VPIP/3b/etc.).

Do you expect it to be a linear type 4b range or does it include some polarity? It would be something like 99+, KQs, AQs+, AQo+ if it is linear (roughly 5% 4b range). A more polar 4b range would be like JJ+, AQs+, KQs, AQo, A5s-A4s and maybe some random connector would get you close to 5%.

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