How to construct villains range for studying 4bet pots in PIO.

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How to construct villains range for studying 4bet pots in PIO.

I want to study some spots where I 3bet and call a 4bet in PIO, but one problem I have is that people construct their 4bet ranges so differently - some people are linear and use stuff like KJs, others are a little more polar and use AJo or A3s, and others are totally polar and use A6o or 75s.

Of course in any individual pot the chances of these combos showing up are very small, but because stacks are so shallow and ranges so narrow in 4bet pots, having or not having a few combos of offsuit aces or flush draws or trips or whatever can really change things.

Basically what I want is to have generic 4bet ranges for villains that will cover most possibilities, at least to some extent. Curious to hear what people's experiences are with stuff like this.

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