How to approach 2NL zoom if you don't have a HUD?
Posted by Pokerlogical
Posted by Pokerlogical posted in Low Stakes
How to approach 2NL zoom if you don't have a HUD?
Hi here I don't have my HUD so I think I lose a lot of edge vs some guys that I can outplay when I do have a HUD,
Is it true?
How would you approach zoom if you are basically playing a bunch of unknowns... you know they tend to be nitty, but you don't know who is folding a lot to steals, who is folding a lot to 3bets, who is folding nothing to 3bets who is 3/4betting you light, who isn't.
I feel like if I make a session now it will be very frustrating because no reads and I will only play solid/standard and fold too much vs those crazy Aggro reges.
Is it a good idea to play still :/ ??
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