How does a HUD actually work?
Posted by LoveUknow
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Low Stakes
How does a HUD actually work?
For example if I play 2k hands with a player.
After that, I somehow decide to purge my database in HM2.
I am guessing the HUD stats I collected are all gone now?
If that´s the case, how do I save infinite amounts of hands? Like do I need to do something so that I can track a player over a longer period?
Please someone help me with this.
For example on Party I can save the data for a certain amount of time (f.ex. 100 days) . HM2 will import the data. The HUD will show the data.
But what is after let´s say 200 days. Is the data from the first 100 days just gone and will not be included in the HUD data?
I am so confused.
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Hands you import into PT4 or Holdem Manager should never ever disappear, even if the poker site decides to clear the hands histories after a certain amount of time. I see no need to ever purge database. Just run the Database Maintenance function and it will keep it running fine. If storage becomes a problem (hand histories don't take up much space really) just get an external drive for them. They should be saved forever. The more data the better.
I play in anonymous site, but I have 350,000+ hands and I know exactly (with some extensive study) what the HUD numbers mean. I know, in my pool, that UTG 4 bets 12%. Astronomically high, but in nontrackable zone, what is the incentive to open super light UTG when I know I only get walks 29% of the time. The other 71% of the time I am facing, at best a call, but more often than not, a raise. What is crazy is that I only get walks 30% of time from MP, so why should I open up much? So what they do is wait for very strong hands, rarely fold vs 3bet, call often and 4 bet a ton.
The pool also c bets a very high % so this allows me to check raise too much lol and play back at their c bets a lot.
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