HH hero callish
Posted by 6000 bb
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6000 bb
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Low Stakes
HH hero callish
NL Holdem $0.05(BB)
CO ($8.79)
BTN ($1.20)
SB ($5.74)
BB ($5.76)
UTG ($22.33)
HERO ($4.55)
MP ($5.92)
HJ ($5.38)
Dealt to Hero: 6c 7s
UTG Folds, HERO Raises To $0.14, MP Folds, HJ Raises To $0.50, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Folds, HERO Calls $0.36
Hero SPR on Flop: [3.79 effective]
*Flop ($1.07): 5d 4s 7h*
HERO Bets $0.80 (Rem. Stack: 3.25), HJ Calls $0.80 (Rem. Stack: 4.08)
*Turn ($2.67): 5d 4s 7h Js*
HERO Bets $2.67 (Rem. Stack: 0.58), HJ Calls $2.67 (Rem. Stack: 1.41)
River ($8.01): 5d 4s 7h Js Td
HERO Checks, HJ Bets $1.41 (allin), HERO Calls $0.58 (allin)
HJ shows: As Ks
HERO wins: $8.72
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