Hey guys, just a graph check
Posted by ssaz
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Low Stakes
Hey guys, just a graph check
Hey guys, started learning from the course The Ground Up and taking my game seriously.
This is my first 6kish hands. (from the 1st of this month)
First 1.6k hands where 25nl and 10nl
Then dropped down to 5nl for the rest
while I figure out applying everything.
Wondering if anyone has any advice? Or should I keep doing what I am doing.
I see I am running quite a-bit below ev and my blue line is horrible.
Thanks guys.
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You will probably get better advice if you list out some of the more common stats from your database. VPIP/PFR/3b/4b/Call 3b/Cbet Flop/C bet Turn/C bet River/Went To Showdown/Won $$$ at Showdown/Fold to Flop c bet/Fold to turn c bet/Fold to River c bet.
A few guesses can be made from the above graph:
#1-Blue line being affected by Yellow Line. You are clearly getting money in good and getting stomped at showdown.
#2-Showing down poorly. Could be from value betting thin and value cutting yourself. Could be from too much bluff catching/light calls.
#3-There was clearly something going on during that first 1600 hands that changed when you dropped stakes. What change did you make?
#4-You could be checking/trapping too much and missing out on value bets (biggest contributor to blue line). This is a big one. You become easy to play against if you are simply bluffing off with air and checking your good hands. This is not necessarily going on but it is something to investigate. Imagine when you bet a draw on the flop, get called, fill the draw on the turn and check, opponent checks back, you get to river and take the b/x/b line and are constantly getting folds. Red line gain and blue line sacrifice (missing value).
That being said, sample is quite small. I myself played 4000+ hands just last night on Zone/Zoom.
Curious what your Went To Showdown and your Won $ at Showdown are.
Hey ssaz, great job on completing the course and taking your game seriously. First thing I would recommend is changing the graph to display in bb especially if it's a sample with different stakes. Second thing is and I know it's tough but don't focus on your graph. Especially with small samples, it's really just noise and a graph can't provide the advice you're looking for. Just focus working on your ranges in different spots and what your opponents are doing and try to maximize EV.
Thanks for your comments guys. Really appreciate it. in terms of stats
Yeah, I was 2 tabling and went to 4 tabling as I dropped stakes to be comfortable with 4 tabling. I am check/r a polarized range otf with most nutted fdraws etc so b/b/b is the common line I use here to get more fold equity on my missed draws.
From this, looks pretty solid.
Squeeze could be a bit high.
WTSD% is a little low (range of 29 to 33%) is the range I recommend. Usually this indicates too much folding which you obviously aren't doing. My guess would be you are getting a bunch of bluffs through but are getting looked up quite a bit also (slowing down losing hands). This is likely reflected in the blue line.
WSD is on the high side but still ok.
Sample is tiny in the grand scheme of things. You are winning at 6bb/100 currently which is pretty darn good when you consider you are getting raked at about 10bb/100.
Keep up the good work.
Hawks, thank you very much for your detailed responses i really appreciate it.
So keep on doing what i'm doing, squeeze a little less, and don't look at graphs.
One more question Hawks, after from the ground up do you have any recommendations on who I should start watching?
I thought FTGU was very good. I don't really watch many videos anymore.
The site I play on has range clairvoyance after 24 hours. Players on Bovada/Ignition all have this feature available. We get to see all hole cards after 24 hours so I focus all of my attention on the data I have available to me.
You will get a better opinion on videos from others more than likely. I always liked Steve Paul and Shawn Pauwels, Nachos, Tyler Forester.
Some of the best advice I have received is to get really good at the basic stuff. Very simple but very true. Kobe Bryant could dribble and shoot free throws well, yet, he still spent countless hours working on keeping the muscle memory.
Hi Hawks, a bit of an update, I have swapped from zoom to full ring, 6max on gg. Much better for my win rate, i've attached up to date stats.
Good to hear, keep up the good work!!!!
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