Help : method to construct balanced ranges with flopzilla
Posted by thedoors
Posted by thedoors posted in Mid Stakes
Help : method to construct balanced ranges with flopzilla
I heard a big differene from small stake player to middstake player is balancing so i want to work my ranges, i have flopzilla but i struglle
here is my methode i would be glad if you can help me go to the end
board 8h4h2d
i am utg my opening range from holdem manager last 3 month is 15.2% AA-22,AKo-AJo,KQo,AKs-A2s,KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs,JTs,T9s
here are flopzilla results (combos and %)
set 9 4.7%
two pair 0 0%
overpair 36 18.9%
top pair 3 1.6%
pp below tp 18 9.5%
middle pair 3 1.6%
weak pair 9 4.7%
ace high 72 37.9%
no made hand 40 21.1%
Total 190 100%
flushdraw 17 8.9%
OESD 0 0%
gutshot 8 4.2%
overcards 96 50.5%
2crd bckdr fd. 18 9.5%
Total 139 (they can also be in 1st group)
flushdraw+pair 1 0.5%
flushdr.+overc. 12 6.3%
flushdr.+oesd 0 0%
flushdr.+gutsh. 2 1.1%
oesd+pair 0 0%
gutshot+pair 0 0%
gutshot+overc. 0 0%
Total 15 (they can also be in 1st group)
ok here starts the hard work :=)
i think we need
* a CB range (i decide 65% to be a good % of CB
* a check/Raise range (we dont want opponent that X=fold), i decide that 7% was a good % of X/R
* a check/Fold range, it remains 28% from 100%
when we CB for value we CB 3/4 pot so it has to works 42.86% so we want our CB range to be 42.86% value and 57.14% bluff
*** given the fact we want to CB 65% that leaves us a CB range for value of 27.9%
that leaves us a CB range as bluff of 37.1%
lets say we check raise 3 times his bet and he bets 3/4 pot, it has to work 56,25% so we want in our X/R range 56.25% of value and 43.75% of bluff
****given the fact we want to X/R 7% that leaves us a X/R range for value of 3.9%
that leaves us a X/R range as bluff of 3.1%
and we still have our 28% X/F range
now we have to put flopzilla results in this ranges and thats my problem since i dont know where i can put the draw since draws also gots top pairs or A high etc so i dont have the exact % for that
my anlayse is blocked here
**CB range
CB value range 30% = PP below TP -----> 2 paires
CB bluff range ??? all draws? but i totally dont know what % it gives
**X/R range
X/R value range 4.7% sets
X/R bluf range 4.2% gutshots
**X/F range
X/F range of 28% : no made hands 21% + A high naked 7%??? but mayeb there are some draws inside
as you can see i really managed to do it but i dont manage, i would be very glad if you can help so i got the method and do this on lots of boards with lots of starting ranges and i believe it would improve my game
thanks a lot and have a nice day
Ps sorry for the format but there is no yet any editing option as bold etc
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