Heads up 5bet bluffing

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Heads up 5bet bluffing

My standard is to turn suited wheel aces into 5bet bluffs, and the occasional small pocket pair, and to obviously adjust based on game flow. After running equity in stove however, it seems that small pocket pairs do slightly better (about 5%) than A2-5s, assuming a call range of TT+ AQ+.

Obviously i can tinker around with villians call range, say exclude AQ, and then A2-5s does better, but it would seem incongruent that villian would call TT and not AQ.

Using combinatorics/math, I am also factoring in blocking potential of Axs when calculating equities, but it cannot makeup the 5% equity edge of 22-55. Also, another factor is that A2-5s block some of villians 4bet folding range.

Most training materials advise using Suited aces as well, but after doing some work on my own, iit seems that the slight edge may go to smaller pairs?

Once again I realize that you want to use a combination of both small pairs and suited aces, depending on villians call range, but what would be the Premium 5bet bluff hand in a vacuum?


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unknown20 8 years, 11 months ago

I don't understand why would you shove any ace and small aces when someone's calling range is TT+,AQ+? maybe the blocker effect blocks, AQ,AK, there is some blocker effect with pairs?

Kalupso 8 years, 11 months ago

AQs is standard call and not 4bet.

It really comes down to how many TT-88 is 4bet/called compared to AQo. All TT and no AQo A5s will be clearly better. All AQo and half TT and PP will be better.

jambonbeurre 8 years, 11 months ago

y i def agree, AQ is a call and not a 4bet, i would think same of TT.
JJ+ AK is a fine 4bet default value range.
And i think pp's are better than A2-A5s to 5b, but : small pps are hard to play in 3bet pot, and you wanna maybe keep the small sets in your flatting range PF.

Btw , it's not like you have to 5bet bluff a lot, A2-A5s are prob the best 5bet bluffing hands for our general gameplan, but have to do it at a small frequency, it's not like you're gonna print money by 5betting bluff, but if you play tough opponent, adding enough EV0 bluff in your range can improve the EV of your 3bets, and allowed you to 3bet more cause the guy can't easily 4bet you.

An other possible thing to consider is to constructe a decent calling 4bet range.

Edit: I would add that it depends a lot on the open % of vilain and his sizing.

MrSneeze 8 years, 9 months ago

Agreed with most of what you said, but TT seems like an easy 4b/stack off 100bb deep, way more than AQ, just because default 3b/5b ranges will usually be pocket pairs heavy and AK?
Like, with no histo, I see players 3b 88 and jam over a 4b all day every day. No?

BUT, an easy way to balance and be tough is to have no 4b range as SB, only a calling range and folding range versus a 3b. Obv we adjust if vilain adjusts strategy / 3b sizings.

Disharmonist 8 years, 10 months ago

Blocker effect is more important. You have 30% EQ against KK, pp only has 18%. Only merit of pp is his flip potential gainst AQ and AK. Stick to bluffing with Ax hands.

Nuno Alvarez 8 years, 9 months ago


Another thing to have on mind is the fact that we would have to 3bet 22-55 to be able to 5bet bluff them, and playing 3b pots OOP with small PP is significantly worse than playing them with A2s-A5s

Thomca 8 years, 9 months ago

Normally again a 4b high is better to 5b small pairs cause dont block his bluff fold and have a decent equity again AQ-AK, but if 4b down now the equity change and A4-A5 are better blocking value range.

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