Has the game changed?
Posted by Aurelius
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Low Stakes
Has the game changed?
I have started to play poker again. I had a long break. Busy with life. I missed playing so I started at the lowest stake. My goal is to grind it up. I want to see if I can do it (again).
My question is simple: Has the game changed for low stakes? (under 50nl)
Any tips how to beat the low stakes as quickly as possible?
Thank you!
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Solid, straight forward value-oriented approach. Have a good rakeback deal, plenty of volume. Sound mental game. Your volume and stakes/tables will determine how fast you move up.
Then you must begin learning how to rly imrpove
So that is still the same? Focus on value. No need to bluff or to bluff catch. Value Value Value.
Are there things that did changed from 2 years ago?
Well you will still be bluffing and bluff-catching, but the frequencies to which you do this is reduced for two main reasons
1) Villain's have a propensity to call more often than they should which means you want to skew your ranges to value/semi-bluffs and less pure bluffs. They peel the flop very light so you need to be prepared to fire two- or three streets, depending on the texture. but to be more precise, there are spots where cbet giving up or double-barreling giving up are really bad because they have so many weak/marginal hands that need to be folded out by another bet OR you simply needed to have given up sooner (that is where the skill/experience comes in)
2) Villain's have trouble finding thin value bets, finding value bets and good spots to bluff. They basically not bluffing/betting enough overall. Ultimately, it usually means they have it more often AND you need to respect their flop raises IP, check/raises and river bets
.. I don't want to make harsh generalizations. The game is tougher than before but still very beatable with hard work and discipline. You need to go through a pretty bad downswing before you begin losing at stakes <50NL
- i can get a lot more in depth with how the games are and what i have seen. I pretty much devoted my life to those limits while going through a terrible downswing and having my confidence shattered 2013. I've done summaries for all limits 25NL-200NL, what players are doing generally what works what doesn't.
I would say overall people have become more aggresive then passive, fish c/r more often and bluff then they did before. Also they can 3-bet more preflop while before people mostly did it with monsters and called WITH anything else.
More aggressive 50NL+ but the passivity remains on the lower stakes
Nowadays, some players use "Hide Hole Cards" feature at Stars. The game is changing for sure.
Well, he had a ridiculous stats but still... clearly he is not looking at his cards....
What in the...?? LOL, is this real?
Please don´t reveal names from weak players in a public forum, it´s neither good for the poker economy, nor is it a sign of respect. All players are still human beings, no need to run over them.
Oops, sorry, I see mod erased it. Thanks.
the online poker is more diffcult than before,more regs,more thinking levels,and more competition.
lots of fish have be trained by books,video and nets,so if u want crush micro, u should do more hand working now. IN China,training of poker are more common.
Learn to speak Russian and Chinese. That'll get you through the micros.
wow,u got the key~
Don't focus on tips or tricks. Watch videos, discuss hands and play a lot.
Wow, I just unraveled at the end of a three hours session just tilting money away left and right only to be redeemed by a 50k hands reg.

Usually, my 3bet size with A2C is on the big side like 10BB to 15BB oop so I was hoping to throw him off preflop. Can anyone get away from KK here?I'm in the exact same situation but since I have a fulltime job I play very very low volume. Is there even a good rb deal for me? Where to look/ask for?
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