GTO sizings
Posted by TK1991
Posted by TK1991 posted in Low Stakes
GTO sizings
I started working from GTO BASE and I don't understand on what basis the software chooses the sizings.
UTG opens 2.5bb, HJ raises 3.2x, UTG 4bets 2.75x
SB opens 3bb, BB raises 3.33x, SB 4bets 2x
Both UTG and SB are OOP. Both HJ and BB are IP. Why blinds have higher bets on 3bet and lower bets on 4bet? And why do UTG and HJ have it exactly the opposite?
What role does the fact that the blinds have already placed mandatory bets play here?
Why not the same sizing?
UTG opens 2.5bb, SB raises 4.8x, UTG 4bets 2x
UTG opens 2.5bb, BB raises 5.2x, UTG 4bets 2x
Why such a big 3bet and such a small 4bet? Why do 3bets have different sizing?
What role does the fact that the blinds have already placed mandatory bets play here?
Thanks you so much :)
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