GTO+ bet size comparisons?

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GTO+ bet size comparisons?

So I own a gto+ license but not a piosolver.
Apparently pio will allow you a comparison of highest ev actions between bet sizes.

Ive tried and tried to find out if this is true by searching online if gto+ can do this as well without having to run a whole nother sim imputting a diff bet size but cant seem to find a answer anywhere.

Is there a way?
Not only would running another sim be time consuming but i would have to switch back and fourth between each sim.

Its crazy how many articles ive tried to find online and in forums etc of "the biggest differences between pio and gto+" and no one ever mentions this advantage for pio.


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Shaun Pauwels 4 years, 2 months ago

I don't get the question. Do you mean simplification?
So one solve only uses 33% betsize. And another solve only uses 75% betsize?
Why not make one solve where both betsizes are available and see which size is preferred?

Do you mean running a solve with 2 betsizes and seeing within that solve the difference of EV for each betsize option?

SikBluffBruh 4 years, 2 months ago

Yes, I didnt know iI just needed to insert the commas, Thank You.
However, now I notice it takes too long to run one sim using two diff bets sizes, so I mys well run one sim with one bet size and another with another bet size, exactly the way ive been doin all along. Unfortunate.
P.s. Is there anyway to tell the difference between ev between what bet size is better?

Shaun Pauwels 4 years, 2 months ago

The best way to know which size is better is to run a simulation with both sizes and see which one if preferred.

If you do run two sims you should look at the first decision node for the player you want to look at. In the textbox to the left of the hand matrix you'll see EV being mentioned. Compare the both and see which one is highest.

SikBluffBruh 4 years, 2 months ago

" Why not make one solve where both betsizes are available and see which size is preferred? "

Apparently Piosolver does this,
can GTO+ not do this as well??

" Do you mean running a solve with 2 betsizes and seeing within that solve the difference of EV for each betsize option? "

Yep absolutely, this is what im trying to get at

Shaun Pauwels 4 years, 2 months ago

You can do this with ease. When you build your tree you seperate the sizes you want with comma's.
I assume you are using the easy fill in boxes. If you look a bit higher you'll see "Advanced". Here you'll see a lot more options.

Example 33% and 75% would be "33,75" in the textbox.

Jalo 4 years, 2 months ago

I think i understand ur question.
I have GTO+ and no experience with pio.
I don't think Pio or GTO+ can compare EV of betsizes without running a sim using those sizes.
You can run a sim with multple betsizes to see which sizing it prefers and the EV of that size.
But i dont think it will tell you the EV of the size it doesn't use.
To see the EV of 2 different sizes , you will have to run 2 sims.
Please correct me if mistaken, i am not sure of this.

SikBluffBruh 4 years, 2 months ago

"You can run a sim with multple betsizes to see which sizing it prefers and the EV of that size."

Yes where can you find the ev difference of each size so I know which size is best to use?

Brady2moss79 4 years, 2 months ago

Just to summarize:

Build a tree, go to advanced and click flop tab.

Then enter your size options separated by comma. Example: 33,66,90

Run the sim.

When you check the results you will find all the info you are looking for.....if you want the EV breakdown of each size used, click the EV tab and hover over a hand. You will get the EV of each size separated by a comma and color coordinated.

Alternatively, you can play against the solution and click “show hints”

The boxes at the bottom will have EV breakdown.

Tips on getting a faster solve:

Keep turn at default betsize (75%) but on the river give two options, 75, 150

The 150 is there to make sure any hand that chooses to bet small has the option to get value.

If you’re analyzing a situation where the IP player is the one with initiative you can make it so there’s no donking allowed which speeds things up.

Still might take a while with wide ranges.

Hope this helps.

Jalo 4 years, 2 months ago

If you run a sim with more then 1 bet size, you can see the EV of each size by clicking on the corresponding tab , or the EV of the entire decision by that tab.

If you want to see which sizing is best in a spot where you only want to use 1 sizing, you will have to run a sim with each size and compare.

If you run a sim with multiple sizes , you cab see the EV of that size as mentioned above,
but that EV is influenced by , size of other bet size, and there being another size to balance.

I don't think you can pull out EV of a single bet size strategy, when using a multiple size sim.

I could be really wrong here tho, and maybe missing your point as well.

I think what you will find is that there is minimal diff in EV between reasonable sizes, what will change the most is frequency of betting/checking, a new equilibrium.

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