GTO and Nash equilibrium

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GTO and Nash equilibrium

if there is nash equilibrium in NLH, does it make NLH the same game as rock paper scissor(i know its million times more complicate) ?

for example, in the game of rock paper scissor,let's say you earn 1 point when you win, you lose 1 point when you lose, and when you tie, you earn 0 point. in this case, if you do rock 1/3 the time, paper 1/3 the time, scissor 1/3 the time, you are playing pure GTO, no matter what your opponent do, you will always get 0 point in the long run. however, if your opponent doesn't use the same strategy as you do(pure GTO), you can change your strategy to exploit him, but at the same time, you are no longer playing pure GTO, which you are not at nash equilibrium anymore.

in conclusion, if you use pure gto, no matter what your opponent do, your EV should be 0 in the long run?

Is this the correct understanding of GTO and Nash Equilibrium? please leave your common

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