Good spot to hero call in 4bet pot?
Posted by fefe.p
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Low Stakes
Good spot to hero call in 4bet pot?
25NL zoom no info on villain. Knowing the field tendencies, don´t think there are many AA or KK played like this, seems pretty polarized to QQ or bluffs... maybe villain could have some random 6x, but that´s not very likely. What you think about how I played this overall?
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I think it's close, but a bit +EV. I think you beat around 40% of his range or a bit more OTT. That is a few AK and Ax bluffs. The other 60% would be AA, KK, QQ and very few AQ.
yeah, and at these stakes vs unkwon I don´t think he is gonna check that many AA or KK OTF, and he might check QQ again OTT, so it seems like a good call
Yes i like it if he had big q or better with flush draw out he would bet flop and i think alot of qx would check call river rather than jam well played sir
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