Good Shove? live poker 1/3
Posted by botuu10
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Low Stakes
Good Shove? live poker 1/3
Last friday in a live cash game blinds 1/3. I had this situation: I was with almost 150 BB. I was doing a normal playing in a table which didn´t have some "raisers" the game was more postflop. In this case, I did an open raise in UTG to almost 8BB with AsKs. A tight player just called in MP+2 and in the BB was a regular old woman with 200 BB.
The flop cames Kc 3h 5h: BB checked, I bet almost 20BB (Pot size: 44BB) MP folded and the BB 3 bet to 115 BB, almost my stack. I did some comments as she didn´t have pocket 3 or 5...They didn´t play that kind of hands with a big raise. The other possibility was she was in a flush draw. I did the shove and she finally shown KTh, on the turn came the 7h and my drawing dead.
Could I escape of that situation? Bad luck?
My conclusion: I think that I didn´t have escape, because that was a big spot to make the difference and if i did the correctly read about her flush draw I had almost 65% of adv. but I didn´t count that she could had top pair, too and that reduce my %.
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