Good 'Ole 5bet pot. 230eff

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Good 'Ole 5bet pot. 230eff

BN: $254.11
SB: $725.25
BB: $210.78
UTG: $136.89
HJ: $463.37 (Hero)
CO: $263.04
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt Q Q
UTG folds, Hero raises to $5, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $22.92, BB folds, Hero raises to $52.76, SB raises to $107.57, Hero calls $54.81
No real reads on SB. Stats over 14k hand sample :

His 3bet from CO/BTN/SB/BB reads as follows : 15.3/16.3/13/12 (3bet vs HJ 12.7)

His fold vs 4bet is 56/48 from the SB/BB respectively, whereas it is 39 on the BTN.

4bet still? Jam over 5bet?
Flop ($246.06) 8 2 9 (2 Players)
SB bets $67.61, Hero calls $67.61
Turn ($381.28) 8 2 9 2 (2 Players)
SB checks, Hero checks
River ($381.28) 8 2 9 2 K (2 Players)
SB bets $140.78, Hero folds
No reads wrt delayed bluffing/bcb type lines.

Note : (Possibly all) my AK (at the very least ones with a h or bdfd) would've played this way, as would've KK. Although in hindsight, I much prefer betting both QQ and KK on the turn now.
Final Pot
SB wins $349.56
I think the turn is the most interesting spot; my initial thoughts for checking were ;


-Didn't wanna bet/call

-Only needed to protect against ~13% equity overcards, anything that has higher equity that takes this line does it to check/shove

Upon reflection, I think KK/AA almost never check this turn since I might pot control JJQQ(KK) but will always call a bet with them. QQ should be ahead of most hands that decide to crai. Then again, perhaps Villain will perceive the average 200z reg to bet too wide for protection/call too much after betting.

My thoughts for folding river were that I will have better hands to call, that assuming I don't 4bet JJ, QQ is pretty much the bottom of my range, and I am not sure his bluff would work the required 36% (assuming my math is correct? 140/380?) against said range.

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