3Bet by villain otf - holding combo draw
Posted by David Jimenez
Posted by
David Jimenez
posted in
Low Stakes
3Bet by villain otf - holding combo draw
Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players)
BN: Lasoft: $1.98
SB: haha I foolU: $2.17
BB: David Bizar: $3.49 (Hero)
UTG: luckyfox123: $2.58
MP: 50wbicku: $4.41
CO: TimBarton: $2.03
SB: haha I foolU: $2.17
BB: David Bizar: $3.49 (Hero)
UTG: luckyfox123: $2.58
MP: 50wbicku: $4.41
CO: TimBarton: $2.03
David Bizar is BB with
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Final Pot
David Bizar
wins and shows a straight, Ace to Five|a flush, Ace high.
David Bizar wins $3.83
Rake is $0.14
David Bizar wins $3.83
Rake is $0.14
BTN: $1.98 (VPIP: 30.84, PFR: 17.13, 3Bet Preflop: 8.95, Hands: 520)
got a lot of hands on this guy, seems a bad reg playing a bunch of tables he also grinds 5nl while doing 2nl
I had a hand earlier against him in which I c/r the flop and shove the turn when a possible flush hit so I'm not sure if that influence his play somehow in this stakes
his RFI on btn was 43% which I don't really look at when making a decision in real time and I was actually wondering if I should? what do you guys think, do you look at RFI and/or have it as a positional stat on your hud?
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I don't think the call is good. Maximum breakeven. At this spot I don't need a range of hands based in rfi or something like that, I just must know how often is my opponent likely to jam allin bluff here or semibluff and what his raise/allin range is. If I saw he jams here only sets and flushes than I am folding. If he jams here also Qxh I am maybe calling and so on.
But the easiest play is too fold, I mean who is multi tabling and jams here 100bb except he doesn't have a read on you that you fold extremely too much
you have to fold, 3b jam range otf at these stakes is gonna be flushes and you dont have the odds. Consider the fact that villain should be scared of high number of flsuhes in your range and he jams anyway
thanks a lot that makes a lot of sense and yeah, I think the part that helps the most is the reasoning of him multitabling a ton and not shoving bluff here often as a consequence of it
What's up Limpson? what stakes do you play bro?
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