getting lost in a 25nl zoom pot
Posted by togepi
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Low Stakes
getting lost in a 25nl zoom pot
SB: $38.46 (Hero)
BB: $50.77
UTG: $33.10
MP: $24.09
CO: $25.00
BB wins and shows a full house, Jacks full of Queens.
BB wins $74.92
Rake is $2.00
So, at the flop i regard my hand as the nuts as QQ most likely 3bets pre.
after the check raise, i call the reraise and wonder if that was a mistake. his reraise does not make sense to me at all as he cant have QQ, i can. I was thinking that a straight/flush draw would be a big portion of his range. and then thought somehting allong the lines of: lets see the turn and see if draws hit.
But beeing out of position, wouldnt i be better off just reraising his reraise?
turn i see 9-10 hit the straight, so i check call.
on the river i consider my hands the nuts once more and basicly lead to get paid by the straight. That villain has QJ i consider irrelavent tbh. Almost no one would take that line on the flop with QJ. But still i wonder how many mistakes i made in this hand and how big or small they are.
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I really can't see much wrong with this. While I agree he is unlikely to have QQ, he certainly has 77 with this line.
Only critique I have is that you can probably raise bigger on the flop due to the texture (heart draw and some OESD's out there).
77 is definitely in his range as well yes. and that is probably also the hand i loose the most ev with using a call line on his flop 3-bet cuz the board can run out pretty scary for that hand.
Hence i also question that flop call in stead of 4 bet. in position it would be a bit better i would assume.
Looking at this more, TBH I think simply betting out on flop is probably better. He has Q8s, Q7s, Q8o, Q7o, 87s, 87o, 77 and a ton of Qx here. Betting charges the dangerous parts of his range and denies him the opportunity to check back them.
As a side note, in the future, please don't post results. Just post the hand up to the decision point you have in question. In this case, I think the flop is where I would cut off the rest of the post.
Did you have reads? Is he aggro? If he is aggro, I like checking more. If readless, I think I default to c betting flop and going from there. Be sure you note him (if possible) as a player that gets out of line "merged".
ok, thanks for the feedback! still new to the whole forum thingy and posting hands. actually, this is the first hand ever that i posted online. i will learn :)
bet bet bet huge, your line sucks
as played reraise and get it on flop
"your line sucks" without any elaboration is a pointless comment. i would like to hear a more detailed explanation as to why my line sucks.
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