Getting crushed at 10nl zoom. What can I fix? see my stats
Posted by PanickSucks
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Low Stakes
Getting crushed at 10nl zoom. What can I fix? see my stats
Hey guys!
I am getting crushed at 10nl zoom.
Im using the ranges from pre flop advisor.
Im opening 3x from every position.
What can you tell me about my stats?
Also what should be my raising range from SB giving the super high rake?
THank you :D
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can you give RFI for btn/co/sb?
Button Steal : 38
CO Steal : 25
SB Steal : 36
can increase rfi on btn and sb
co 25-30 - 2.5x
btn 45+ - 2x
sb 45+ - 2x
Wide BTN and SB opens are strong exploits in tight games. You can double the steal% that you currently use for those positions. 2x on BTN.
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