getting 3betted oop deep (5max)

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getting 3betted oop deep (5max)

Hi, around 100bb deep i play a fold or 4bet strategy oop aiganst 3bets.
When we are around 200bb deep im very confused of what to do.
Im 4betting polarized but what should my flatrange be against an pretty good aggresive fi who 3bets 12-15% from button and cbets alot.
I have been setmining alot and often calls axs , ajo+, suited connectors , k10+s. But its maybe not profitable to call some/all of this hand aiganst an good aggresive fi? Can i call all of this hand oop 200bb deep aiganst an bad player?


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James Hudson 12 years, 2 months ago
If you're going to build a 3 bet calling range try to include hands that flop equity often and can continue on a wide array of boards. Hands like KQss, 910ss come to mind as they're going to have opportunities to semi bluff and call down more turns where they're likely to pick up equity.
flatbreadpizza 12 years, 2 months ago
Sometimes I find that folding to a ton of 3bets is often a very underused but awesome option against a lot of players. I'm shocked sometimes at how many guys you can nit up against yet still get paranoid and stack off to you way too light. for 150bbs+. Or they are unable to adjust and be less aggro postflop when you do flat them with a very strong range.
goofy 12 years, 2 months ago
ok thanks for your advise , what about 55, 99, AJss, AQ off, you think its best to fold them to a 3bet oop 200bb deep?
Tom M 12 years, 2 months ago
I can't see why we'd be folding pairs to 3 bets 200 BB's deep. Are we worried about a set over set situation and that's the only reason we'd fold?

AJs still has flush and straight potential and I'd play it that way more than wanting an Ace to flop. AQo I can see a case for folding because you'll have lots of money in the pot before realizing you might have to fold.

I guess it depends if you can keep yourself from stationing postflop and losing lots of money.
goofy 12 years, 2 months ago
An aggressive reg who 3bets alot from button probably wont play me of often enough to make it profitable for me to call 22-77 oop. I have started fold them and it feels better because i hate checkfolding every flop.

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