General Strategies for the Flop

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General Strategies for the Flop

I'm blindly cbetting polarized on every board. So here are some situations that I know come up and why I think they come up, but let me know if I'm wrong:

  1. We check our entire range on the flop. We do this on boards where our opponent has an equity advantage and a higher density of nutted combos.

  2. We cbet our entire range on the flop with a small sizing. We do this on boards where we have both an equity advantage and more nutted combos.

  3. We cbet polarized. We do this on boards where we don't necessarily have an equity advantage but our range contains more strong hands.

Then I believe there are situations where we want to cbet a more merged range with a somewhat smaller sizing, but I'm not sure when this comes up.

Usually I cbet TPGK+ for value and I cbet weak air and some draws. In which situations would I cbet 2nd/3rd pair? It's probably unbalanced to never have trips in my betting range when the middle card on the board pairs up. Same with the low card pairing up.

When I cbet air with a polarized range, what sort of air is best to cbet versus check? I don't think I should cbet all of my air because then my checking range is never folding to a turn bet, which can be exploited.

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