General Flop question
Posted by Deactivated User
Posted by
Deactivated User
posted in
Mid Stakes
General Flop question
HJ: HuanHuan: $600
CO: Deactivated User: $1342.20
BN: Mokesillo: $240
SB: DarioNo$had: $600
BB: lucifer44/45: $600
UTG: justDgmt: $856.50
LJ: david1220021: $600
CO: Deactivated User: $1342.20
BN: Mokesillo: $240
SB: DarioNo$had: $600
BB: lucifer44/45: $600
UTG: justDgmt: $856.50
LJ: david1220021: $600
(7 Players)
Deactivated User was dealt
justDgmt raises to $15, david1220021 folds, HuanHuan folds, Deactivated User calls $15, Mokesillo folds, DarioNo$had folds, lucifer44/45 folds
justDgmt raises to $15, david1220021 folds, HuanHuan folds, Deactivated User calls $15, Mokesillo folds, DarioNo$had folds, lucifer44/45 folds
(2 Players)
justDgmt bets $27,
Deactivated User folds
Final Pot
wins $37.24
So what is my best play on the flop? Is a fold too weak?
I feel like he is going to barrel any turn and some river.
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You will have the best hand here a decent amount of the time and if you think he barrels a lot you can just call twice and OTR just bet if he checks and maybe raise if he dosen't.
If villian in this spot is capable of folding you could raise flop and barrel off (though this hand is good enough to have in our flatting range).
Some reads on how he is playing would be useful aswell, I think vs some you can fold flop.
As for the question, i prefer folding right away on this flop, i feel like our floating range is so large that we're going to face some barrels a lot, without really nice backdoors. Would been interesting to have some informations about his % turn bet, etc though.
yes, folding flop is weakish.
If you feel like he's going to barrel any turn and some rivers, floating/double floating seems a less viable option for u. Sounds like you want to fold or raise. Mix up you frequency of doing either in this spot then. TBH, I think if he barrels 3 times on this board, he's not bluffing unless bluff cards hit, and you have 2 or em. So from my point of view floating isn't that bad if you can tread carefully.
My position is that if you are going to fold to a c-bet each time you missed a flop; then you have a bit of a leak that needs attention. Making it 2.5bb to go from UTG tells me that either his hand has some perceived strength or that he made it that small in hopes of a 4-bet opportunity. Either way, IMO a 3-bet will go a lot further to sifting through the smoke than flatting an hoping for the best.
We definitely don't want to auto fold this hand, but we def don't want to auto-raise it either. Perhaps this is just my style, but I don't want to "auto-do anything" on this board, with our hand. We want to mix in all three options with a reasonable frequency that our opponent keeps the faith in us (as in, doesn't think we are FOS everytime). One is giving up, and the other two are fighting back in a sense. The way to fight back vs certain opponents should be chosen at the correct frequencies based on their tendencies. This is something that can't necessarily be boiled down to math and game theory because you need to know what your opponent is going to do when raised or called when he's sitting there with, QQ, 88, 55, AT, AK, 98s or KJs. So knowing their entire opening range mathematically helps, but you need to know how they will play those hands on further streets.
I agree that flatting and folding on this flop with AQ is very weak in general. But just because you had a strong hand that didn't put in its usual aggression doesn't mean you have to blitz later streets to justify your pf call all the time. When you call pf, and fold to cbet, that can be balanced in the long run by the times you "fight back". My thinking is don't fall back to a default play and do the same thing everytime.
Under the gun raised though and he flatted the AQ because he suspected a recreational player in the blinds would flat with a lot of weaker aces and queens.
I do like to lean more towards a fold against a unknown or tag reg opening this UTG because i think its the hardest strategy to play AGAINST if i was UTG raiser and a unknown or known tag.
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