Fundamental theory question, help please!!! either I don't understand indifference or GTO Wizard's theory blog is completely false information!

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Fundamental theory question, help please!!! either I don't understand indifference or GTO Wizard's theory blog is completely false information!

Hello, I really hope you can help me because this is fundamental. The question I have is regarding what is in this GTO Wizard blog post

They say that if you're playing against a GTO bot that doesn't adjust, it literally doesn't matter if you take all mixed actions with 100% frequency. The EV is the same for both players. Well how can that be? What if i'm defending MDF on river to not be exploited by the GTO bot's balanced strategy, but then I just decide to call 100% of all mixed frequency bluffcatchers. Like if the GTO bot bet pot, now I have to defend 50% of my range.... but if I just start clicking call because "I'm indifferent and he won't adjust", now my calling frequency will go up from 50% to like let's say 65%, and now all of the sudden the GTO bot that didn't adjust his strategy is printing money vs me, no? GTO Wizard's blog says this is not the case at all, that the GTO fixed strategy wouldn't gain a single thing. How could it possibly not gain when now I'm making way more 0EV calldowns but actually what that means is that the GTO bot is printing and extracting huge EV from me with its range because while now the bot's bluffs aren't working often enough, it's value hands are printing huge and overall the bot will have more EV. ???

Or also the article says if I'm betting perfectly polarized for pot, and I have 6 value combos and 6 potential bluff combos, that if I bet all 6 of my bluff combos instead of the 3 of them to make the GTO bot indifferent, that both of us will have the same EV? I don't understand at all! Yes my bluffs will be breaking even if the bot just keeps clicking fold 50% of the time vs my pot size and doesn't adjust, but the 50% of the time it's calling it is NOT having a 0EV call! it is getting back 50% of the pot when it only needs to get back 33% ! So if the bot is clearly winning EV from me even, profiting huge even without adjusting, then how am I NOT losing EV? I don't get it. In the article it says if the pot is $10 and stack is $10, and I bluff all 6 of my combos for pot, the EV's are the same as if I bluff only 3 of my combos for pot size. I don't understand how no one is losing or gaining money if I always bluff, when the bot is clearly gaining the $10 pot and my $10 shove the 50% of the times it's calling, so it's gaining $20 * 0.5 so it's taking $10 of the pot. But if I play balanced 6 value and 3 bluffs, now the bot is gaining the $20 pot 1/3 of the time, and losing $10 to my shove 2/3 of the time, which equates to the GTO bot gaining $0 from the pot. It just doesn't make any sense to me how GTO Wizard's blog says nobody won or gained EV if I always bluff and the bot doesn't adjust, when clearly if I play balanced the bot gains $0 by defending 50% of the time vs my pot bet, but if I always bluff the bot gains $10 by doing the same thing and not adjusting.

Thank you!

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