FullHouse OTR , Quads and NutFullHouse possible for Villain
Posted by BigSchnidde
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Low Stakes
FullHouse OTR , Quads and NutFullHouse possible for Villain
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $21.39
SB: $10.50
BB: $1.25
UTG: $10.16
MP: $10.00 (Hero)
CO: $15.47
SB: $10.50
BB: $1.25
UTG: $10.16
MP: $10.00 (Hero)
CO: $15.47
Hero is MP with
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Hey Guys,
Villain is 11/9, 3bet 3,4, CC 4
F/T/R Aggression 60/60/67
I gave him the following Range he is DonkBetting with:
AA-JJ,66-55,AJo,AKs-A2s,KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs All suited Clubs.
As he was DonkBetting, I was thinking he might be a weaker Player, which made me more willing to Call.
There is only 2 actual Combos that beat me.
JJ and A5s, maybe K5s but i dont think K5s is in Villains Tight Range
Thanks for thoughts
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SB is the tightest player on earth but then you're giving him stuff like 55,66 KQs in his range ahahahahaha...
His range is more like JJ-QQ,AQs, (AKo (???)) to be honest.decent chance that he has TT though...I don't think he is slowplaying KK+ pre.
So there are two questions... is he possible peeling pre with AJs`? I don't assume it.
So the next question is if he is capable of playing this line with QQ.
And I think there is a 33% or so chance that he is playing this line with QQ or maybe KK a small percentage of the time (although I expect a guy like this to mostly cold4bet KK) which makes it a call on the river. But I also expect to be beat fairly often. A hand like 66 is not possible. If he has me beat he has to have JJ.
And he never has quads here XD ..
Also on this board there are 3 combos JJ that beat you so he only needs about 1,5 combos of QQ for you to breakeven on a call here.
He was only calling a 3bet though Multiway, you realy dont see any Chance of him having 66 or A5s?
And thank you for laughing at me trying to get better :-) But thank you for your answer and thoughts, helped me a lot
If you don't have a big sample I can see a tight player calling pre with 99-TT and possibly AJs (and maybe misplayed ATs?) but if you have a sample this coldcall means he has JJ,QQ or AQs+... I believe this player would probably fold AKo pre.
If you have a decent sample there is no way he ever has 22-99 here. AJs is most likely not in his range. TT I can imagine a player like this could call it actually but also fold is possible so I would try to weight his TT combos. Same with AQs.
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