Full Ring / 6-max Preflop opening ranges

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Full Ring / 6-max Preflop opening ranges

Hi everyone,

It's my first post here, and I hope to get some good reactions :)

I am looking for some guidelines for preflop opening ranges for a Full Ring table and also for a 6-max table, in regards to a 10NL Holdem Cash Table.

In a training video (not from this site) I found a general guideline for a 6-max table, which is the following:

UTG : ATs+, AJo+, KQs+, 55+
MP : A8s+, AJo+, KQo+, JTs+, KJs+, 44+
CO : Axs, A9o, K8s+, KTo+, T9s+, QJo+, J9s+, 22+
BTN : Ax, Kxs, K9o+, 54s+, 98o+, 86s+, 22+
SB : same as CO

What do you guys think of this for 6-max and what is your guideline for a full ring table?

Also, would there be any (major) difference in the opening ranges between on one side a Cash table and MTT or SnG table on the other hand?

Thanks in advance,


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James Hudson 12 years, 1 month ago
I know it's nice to have a framework to work off of but you're better served trying to figure out what ranges you can open in the games that you play in. Even the specific table that you're at should change the ranges that you open a decent amount. As far as what those ranges look like for 6 max I'd say they look a little tight from EP.
mike 12 years, 1 month ago
seems reasonable set of ranges and i agree with ~90%. just make sure you are adjusting to table you are on. few random thoughts about my ranges at 200NL FR

i mostly fold 55/ATs and sometimes fold AJo UTG in FR
i open 22+ and 76s from MP almost always
opening ranges on the CO/BUT/SB vary a lot depending on players left to act so look left and think rather than use a chart for these positions

i agree with james that a framework for 6m UTG is something like 22+ AJ+ KQ+ ATs+ 98s+ and should get wider if you table selected well and have 1 or 2 fish in the blinds:)
PokerDonV73 12 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for your response guys.
I understand that keeping to a strict table of ranges does not work, but when you sit down at a table of unknown players, it is good to have at least something to start with.

Is there a big difference between CG's and MTT when it comes to openining ranges?
WM2K 12 years, 1 month ago
I m not a MTT player at all but probably theres a pretty large difference due to the stack sizes.

Looking at these ranges they are pretty snug. Not a bad idea if your just starting esp with the UTG and MP ranges. However your going to want to learn how to ramp up your steal aggression OTB a ton. Like to the point that your opening 60-80% of hands vs most players. Do this slowly though as it does get messy and playing hands like Q6o can get pretty tricky even IP. Also aware players will start 3 betting you a lot and then its an all out battle for those blinds. This is fine obv if you adjust well and play the 3 bet pots well but this is why I say increase that steal % as your getting more comfortable. Players generally have a really hard time either not defending enough blinds or bleeding further when they do OOP and you want to take advantage of this.
vanity02 12 years, 1 month ago
yeah MTTs base alot of raise/fold on ICM generally when your around 20bb effective or 15M(not sure about M but its another form of stack counting) in an MTT your at a push/fold threshold. So like WM2k says there is a very large difference, not because of stack sizes in general. But more along the lines of the risk vs reward. When your at 20bb you really need to double up if you want avoid getting blinded out. I use to play Sng turbos 9mans so it may be a little different from MTTs, but the idea is generally the same. At 10bb on a 9man sng table everytime you jam you stand to risk 10bb to win 1.5bb and when called you still have a chance to win. I'm not sure about todays state of games, but back then no one was ever calling wide enough including weaker regs which made it very profitable to jam 100% bvb or 80% from the button.
theQUAD 12 years, 1 month ago
i also play 10nl 6max and open any pocket pair from any position - id need to check my database for how this is working out for lower pocket pairs, but in general i think set-mining is very profitable at the lowest stakes

as others said your ranges for co/btn/sb will largely depend on your opponents, for instance some opponents never defend their blinds so you can steal with pretty much any 2 cards and make a profit

WM2K's post raises some important points, and i liked this from mike "opening ranges on the CO/BUT/SB vary a lot depending on players left to act so look left and think rather than use a chart for these positions" - also consider stack sizes....this is something i often fail to do! good luck on the grind

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