Full Ring / 6-max Preflop opening ranges
Posted by PokerDonV73
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Full Ring / 6-max Preflop opening ranges
It's my first post here, and I hope to get some good reactions :)
I am looking for some guidelines for preflop opening ranges for a Full Ring table and also for a 6-max table, in regards to a 10NL Holdem Cash Table.
In a training video (not from this site) I found a general guideline for a 6-max table, which is the following:
UTG : ATs+, AJo+, KQs+, 55+
MP : A8s+, AJo+, KQo+, JTs+, KJs+, 44+
CO : Axs, A9o, K8s+, KTo+, T9s+, QJo+, J9s+, 22+
BTN : Ax, Kxs, K9o+, 54s+, 98o+, 86s+, 22+
SB : same as CO
What do you guys think of this for 6-max and what is your guideline for a full ring table?
Also, would there be any (major) difference in the opening ranges between on one side a Cash table and MTT or SnG table on the other hand?
Thanks in advance,
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i mostly fold 55/ATs and sometimes fold AJo UTG in FR
i open 22+ and 76s from MP almost always
opening ranges on the CO/BUT/SB vary a lot depending on players left to act so look left and think rather than use a chart for these positions
i agree with james that a framework for 6m UTG is something like 22+ AJ+ KQ+ ATs+ 98s+ and should get wider if you table selected well and have 1 or 2 fish in the blinds:)
I understand that keeping to a strict table of ranges does not work, but when you sit down at a table of unknown players, it is good to have at least something to start with.
Is there a big difference between CG's and MTT when it comes to openining ranges?
Looking at these ranges they are pretty snug. Not a bad idea if your just starting esp with the UTG and MP ranges. However your going to want to learn how to ramp up your steal aggression OTB a ton. Like to the point that your opening 60-80% of hands vs most players. Do this slowly though as it does get messy and playing hands like Q6o can get pretty tricky even IP. Also aware players will start 3 betting you a lot and then its an all out battle for those blinds. This is fine obv if you adjust well and play the 3 bet pots well but this is why I say increase that steal % as your getting more comfortable. Players generally have a really hard time either not defending enough blinds or bleeding further when they do OOP and you want to take advantage of this.
as others said your ranges for co/btn/sb will largely depend on your opponents, for instance some opponents never defend their blinds so you can steal with pretty much any 2 cards and make a profit
WM2K's post raises some important points, and i liked this from mike "opening ranges on the CO/BUT/SB vary a lot depending on players left to act so look left and think rather than use a chart for these positions" - also consider stack sizes....this is something i often fail to do! good luck on the grind
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