Frequency in this spot

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Frequency in this spot

3bp SB vs BTN

Im a beginner in GTO world. I have a question about this sim. To determine our strategy, our first step is to read the board. On T52r BTN has all sets in range. So my overpairs are decreasing in value. I was thinking we will have a decent check back range here. But in reality solver is only checking 3% of the time, and uses a lot of medium/large bets. Is this because besides BTN has nut advantage, the board is not connected enough for him to find enough raises? So we can put pressure because we still have a 55% equity advantage on the flop? Its confusing me a little bit, because i was thinking if we use big bets we also want to have a check range.


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HawksWin 3 years, 8 months ago

I am not familiar with GTO Wizard, but I assume we are deciding if we want to c bet SB as the 3 better? Looks like it is essentially range betting and I agree with this.

While BB has all sets, we certainly have 3 sets, so he has a 6 combo advantage in the set department. We have JJ-AA (24 combos). In solver world, he has none of these since he 3 bets them pre. In reality, BTNs will have at least 3-4 combos of over pairs here. We have AT/KTs/QTs/JTs and sometimes T9s. Our opponent has a similar amount of TP hands (not very strong considering our overpairs/top pairs and sets.

Button will have a bunch of suited aces/suited kings/suited queens/underpairs and basically no draws on such a board aside from the occasional 43s.

In short, they fold so often (don't defend anywhere near what a solver will do) that we can just bet between 33 to 50% pot and print $$$. Are we going to get played back at sometimes? Yes. Are we going to get called and he spikes a turn, yes. But, in general, we are going to wreck him here with very very high frequency betting.

There is some merit to checking top set since we block a ton of his top pair range. He will have very little AT/KT/QT/JT/Tx when we have 3 of the four T's locked up when we have a set.

If you were to simply put the SB 3b range and the BTN call range into an equity calculator (no flop yet), you are going to get somewhere in the vicinity of 55%/45% range advantage. If you add in that texture, dry and uncoordinated, I think your equity advantage is going to go up to something like 58%/42%. We simply have to take advantage of that.

MattS 3 years, 8 months ago

In short look at the EV abd equity of each range and each hand in the range.

The strategy ev equity and ranges pages associated with this all work together to clarify it. They’re on the top above the hand range grid.


There IS carnage dealt to the Sb range from sets when Sb bets range but
The SPR is lower so it’s less carnage than in an srp
Btn payoff more w second best hands in low spr spots
Btn still surrender equity w hands that might improve (wrong suit broadways) in low spr spots and when they do, it hurts more

So range bets for range advantage still happen

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