Follow through? 3b pot 100nl.
Posted by WM2K
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Low Stakes
Follow through? 3b pot 100nl.

Have maybe like 10 hands on villain but he s so far on the tighter side. He makes it a good price pre so I peel. Flop seems like std peel. Turn is a nice card as he can def be concerned almost regardless of what he has unless he s trapping with a Q. OTR will someone fold a K to a shove enough to make this a spot to follow up? We have 71$ effective.
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i dont expect him to fold a K or a Q, he can have nut who trap 77 QQ KK QK*
river i would value 1/2 (after a X X turn) because i would put him on air + small pairs
to be clear i want to protect my equity turn and avori a X/R and i think we can bluff river or go to shodown with A high
I think both as a isolated hand and as a range play shoving here makes sense. AK has gotta be puking even. And ya as you said this is probably the worst hand I show up with so range wise this makes sense.
Other than AK I see no other non nutted hand other than a passive AA that bets flop, C/C turn, C river (but then again how many nutted hands check river with intention to raise?) so I think he is usually checking with the intention of calling a river bet. Perhaps he has JJ or TT (which we block) or some other medium pair that just wants to see a cheap showdown but I think those are all HEAVILY discounted when he C/C a Q turn.
I think checking turn is better tho considering we have decent showdown value and it's likely he will check down his air.
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