Fold with overpair , on pair and flushy board.
Posted by DoofusSC
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Low Stakes
Fold with overpair , on pair and flushy board.
CO: $2.12
BN: $2.06
SB: $2.01
BB: $1.49
UTG: $1.92
Rake is $0.05
Hello, this is my first hand on this forum, hoping to get some decent feedback.
Preflop: I raise pretty large due to the limp from behind, and the limper is a huge fish and I expect him to call with a wide range. When BTN calls and UTG decided to min raise, I think it is pretty fishy, however, he could be doing it with a fair range of hands. I expect him to do it with TT+, AQs+, some low Ace suited hands, Strong Broadways (which he perceives as better) and maybe even some small PP, that is pretty unlikely though.
OTF: When the board comes T33, I expect him to fold to most bets without any piece of it. However, I really dislike my bet of $0.42 into $0.57. I think he is rarely going to call with worse hands except for maybe flush draws, however, some players would fold to this large a bet, I would have much prefered a bet of around 1/2 pot to keep him in with Ace highs or maybe with strong broadways he would not want to fold on this flop.
When he calls I can narrow his range down a fair bit, he has all his flush draws, TT+.
OTT: When he leads out for all his chips I am put in a tough spot. I was struggling to see any hands which were worse than mine which would do this. I think a possibility is that he had AA or KK and got scared when the third heart came and just shoved. The only hand I think he is shoving which I beat is JJ but that is unlikely. This huge turn bet is going to be a flush 90% of the time IMO and the other times it would be AA or KK. I think a fold is fine here considering what I believed his range to be. However, I would really like some feedback.
*I have just started studying hand reading, so I may be doing some things wrong. Please tell me if you think any my thought process was long and what I could do to fix it.
Thank you
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