fold river?
Posted by josephtamraz
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Low Stakes
fold river?
Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players)
BN: $46.25
SB: $16.00
BB: $22.74 (Hero)
UTG: $21.96
MP: $117.77
CO: $16.16
SB: $16.00
BB: $22.74 (Hero)
UTG: $21.96
MP: $117.77
CO: $16.16
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
BN wins $14.90
Rake is $0.70
Rake is $0.70
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I would bet the turn. We block most SD and get value from a lot of worse value hands and draws. Checking the turn leads us into a guessing game and a more difficult spot.
You should also post some of your thoughts and your own analysis and all available Info first so we can see why you played the hand that way. Like what is your reasoning for check/calling turn and check/folding river? What do you know about villain? What range could he bet on those two streets?
i dont i had a read on villain,
i checked turn because i think its a card that favors his rane more than mine once he calls flop. if i bet turn im check foldfing this river too i guess which puts me in a similar spots. however him bettin turn and river ives me more information i guess.
i did think like you before folding that i block a lot of sd with kk but i was running out of timebank. also even if he hasnt a straight he has sets (99,1010) that calls pre. he alsdo has two pairs like (q10,9 10,some q9) this why i decided to check turn
What other kinds of hands are you check calling the turn with here or are you just checking your range?
Given his sizing on both the turn and the river, I'd be hard pressed to find a fold because it looks like he might be going for thinnish value with a hand like KQ or AQ here.
no not checking entire range. first i would bet turn with my hand here if a brick hits obviously here a q is one of the worst cards we can see on turn. im continuing with my 2 pair plus hands
and flush draws
Hey, do you always 3bet (BB vs BN) / (all positions maybe) with 5x sizing? Why this sizing?
He is oop and he is facing a minRaise.
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