fold QQ pre vs huge shove?
Posted by Gay Theory
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Gay Theory
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Low Stakes
fold QQ pre vs huge shove?
i do this kind of linear 3bet MPvUTG so i can use lower sizing with all range... but thing is he shoved 100bb into 11bb pot lolz.. i guess its ez fold and he would even shove AK and i dont want to flip when theres so little in the pot yet.. rite?
he was unknown 20/15 20h
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like this is population pool dependent. At 50z, I'd be folding.
preflop 3b isnt std fwiw
I think 3b is std given his stacksize.
well, I really don't like the preflop 3bet:
- It is so transparent, easily put you on: QQ+, AK / without info
- ALL the villains ship it in with KK+, AKo
I think, cold call is a better option:
- you dominate UTG
- most of the time you will play postflop IP
- if others also cold call, you can have the top set, AA/KK would 3bet
- if UTG has the AA/KK cold call is also a better option instead of pre stack off
As you played... If you don't know that he is a maniac, you can fold here.
"I think, cold call is a better option:
- you dominate UTG
- most of the time you will play postflop IP
- if others also cold call, you can have the top set, AA/KK would 3bet
- if UTG has the AA/KK cold call is also a better option instead of pre stack off"
I'd fold and wait for a better spot. Raise bigger though. Like Telsa said, that 3bet pf is really transparent.
You can min-thin QQ mp vs utg (2.5x 3b) if you're not comfortable going for a full-size 3bet. I think it's good.
Calling is fine as well - most likely better especially if utg is on a 10% opening range. Against a lag/rec I 3bet this every time pre.
I'd call this shove with QQ+ AKs fwiw. I could be convinced that QQ/AKs are folds as well after rake consideration.
Pretty sure that even if you're flipping a lot of the time QQ and AKs are both slightly ahead of his overall range. Enough to make this call +EV. You can also discount AA+KK at least a little bit from villain's range.
It's a close spot imo but villain seems to be pretty bad so I really want to take my chances, and get his money before someone else does.
Call it, AK and QQ/JJ should be more likely than KK/AA (AA/KK would not want to shove, whereas with AK/QQ/JJ villain benefits from having FE and not playing postflop).
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