fold AQ vs ch/raise on Q86s

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fold AQ vs ch/raise on Q86s

vs unkown reg. My gameplan woulb be to bet my AQ sometimes and check it back sometimes(it is not a hand we can get 3 streets of value with, but mostly 2). bet range on flop would be:

-AQ(50% of the time)
- hands like 9Tss TJss

vs the x/r it feels like we should always fold our AQ(without a heart). We already defend our sets/FD and even a hand like 9Tss I prefer calling above AcQs. With AQ we cant make moves on later streets( we dont have heart blocker) even vs a 3 barrel on blanc we arnt happy.

I gave villian this range (he cr 35% oif his sets and 10% of his potential bluffs). THink this is a reasonable assumption.

pot odds are 24% we will have 23% vs this range, we need way more equity with this hand since it is not much playable on later streets(we cant turn our hand often into a bluff for example). Even if he raise 20% of his potenial bluffs we only have 27% equity which isnt enough I guess.

So my plan would be defending sets/fd/ a hands like 9Tss or maybe JTss

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