flush flopped, decision turn
Posted by CarDz
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Low Stakes
flush flopped, decision turn
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BB: $25.00
UTG: $47.50
MP: $36.21
CO: $25.00 (Hero)
BN: $33.32
SB: $25.00
UTG: $47.50
MP: $36.21
CO: $25.00 (Hero)
BN: $33.32
SB: $25.00
Hero is CO with
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vilain 30/21, 74cbF 70 cbT, 600 hands vs him, never saw him raise in bluff
i raise to value Acx and sets, what to do against the push? happy to call or fold?
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Snapcall, you just can't ever fold a flush, even if it's 9 high flush
he probably had AJ, you should call
I prefer calling OTT with your combo without a good villain specific reason. Its the worst flush you can have and you can have tons of them, at this board.
Villain also has a lot of flush combo's OTT, so I wouldn't snapcall. That said, I probably do call eventually.
I do think its reasonably close.
Against a nitty opponent, you might consider fold it, because it's reasonably close.
This opponent, how ever, he is pretty loose preflop, and his cb % is relatively high.
Against this type of player, I would never consider folding 100bb stack with a hand like this.
I assume he is not a player who plays straightforward postflop. He steals a lot, maybe thinks a lot. That's the difference with a nitty player.
yeah theres also lots of hands he could possibly do this with that are worse,
Acx AA JJ AJ also a few worse flushes even a random 34
and 30/21 is very loose
I don't think it matters if anyone ever raised as a bluff or not on a monotone board. Only very few would bluff this board this way, OP really looks like a flopped flush. That's why I personally like to raise flop.
Does villain raise his sets & 2P here? that's the better question than if he's bluffing or not
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