flop check raise
Posted by Jalo
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Low Stakes
flop check raise
What flop check raise % should i have @ 10Blitz?
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Too much guessing game to give a solid answer here. Simply too many variables to take into account:
What kind of ranges do you open?
What kind of your ranges do your villains defend?
Do they adapt somehow to your play preflop and on later streets?
And there will be much more factors to take into account (are you willing to take high variance spots? Will you play your check raising range solid on later streets?)
We shouldnt be check raising for the sake of a number in our hud.
I dont know blitz-community, but most micro-pools cbet too much. So experimenting and learning about this is a decent idea and could be a lot of fun/pain
If Check/Raise BBvsBU (as most common scenario) then I guess above 15-20% is solid
If Check/Raise SBvsBB. I dont really know but definetlety above 10%, close to 15 seems good
If EPvsBU pretty much useless stats, but numbers are simliar between 10-20%
Id say not worry about it at all. If your numbers on a lower side it is good sight you should revisit BBvsBU. However does it really max EV for you in terms time investing not sure.
Would suggest going over basic theory, and polish preflop/defending ranges vs 3bet and RFI is easiest and highest ROI for micro. After playing on blinds, and 3betting SBvsBU BBvsBB.
Thanks for the answers.
My overall is 8.5% ,on the lower end as i imagined.
Watching a henry lister video recently , he commented on lack of aggression as the biggest shortcoming of most micro players. I resemble that remark.
He also mentioned that when you node lock a solver to play like micro players(not fighting back at each node enough), solver says to run them over with aggression.
When i run leakbuster in PT4 over 100k sample, everything looks ok'ish, but i am b/e over 100k sample @ 10 blitz.
My redline is as bad as they get i think.
Any thoughts on generating aggression appreciated.
Whats your cbet stats or agg% over the 3 streets?
I would take look at these first when it comes down to redline.
Yea, i need to increase frequencies across all streets cbetting.
12-ish. Also depends on the sizes your opponents use.
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