Fish still on the table...

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Fish still on the table...

You have already played a long session and you no longer playing your A game but there is a fish on the table that will not fold his 2pair+ and any draws to any 3 barreling. Are you still playing?


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Shaun Pauwels 4 years, 7 months ago

Given the fish profile You’re likely to play hands against them. So that’s a positive. But those are not all factors.

How weak is your “not a-game”. Could be your b-game which is still decent but not applying new theory. Or you might just be terrible right now, tired.

There are also other players at the table. How are they adjusting? Are they fighting you over getting into pots with the fish?

This1s Pok$r 4 years, 7 months ago

That is a good point. It is hard to describe in words, generally I would say after long sessions I start to tilt if I am card dead and making plays based on emotion. Some small mistakes.

What do you mean others to fight back. I never understand that. From what I see, when there is a fish table, everyone is just playing their normal game, just little bit looser.

RaoulFlush 4 years, 7 months ago

We usually try to iso the fish when he plays a hand pretty whide (We should at least often) and good regs will recognize this and start to attack your weak isorange vs the fish by calling/floating or 3- or 4betting You more.
Thats what citanul means with others to fight back.

Tir-X 4 years, 7 months ago
  • Where am I sitting, do I have the best position on the fish?

  • How deep is he, are we at least 100bb effective or are we even more?

  • How good are the other players? All regs or some weak regs, nit regs, fishregs too?

  • Is there someone who is too good and can take adventage of me? Is this person sitting directly to my left or not?

  • How common is a good fish like this in your games? Is it gonna be every 2nd day or only like once a month?

  • And as the guys mentioned, how bad/good is my B/C game? We're all different, some have solid B games and some have it quite bad.

Soooo many factors, impossible to answer.

cdubdiddly 4 years, 7 months ago

3 barreling people who can't fold is not a good exploit and there's no balance with these people. Probably better to tighten up as regs will re-exploit your widening by widening their 3b which is a PIA and you will become more value you heavy vs the fish in the process, elevating your B-, C-game in the process.

cdubdiddly 4 years, 7 months ago

Thank you for clarifying--from the OP it sounds like you're 3barreling as a bluff with the won't fold comment and he's calling 2 pair+ on 3-4 flush/straight boards and ch/c ch/c gutshots when you actually wanted folds not calls...I think it goes back to how bad is your B-,C-game as others have asked and improving that will go a long way.

I would still maintain to tighten up, at least for a short period. It will help you reset and build your read, seeing what else he shows down vs others, seeing his value lines, seeing his bluff lines for free. It's risk/reward opening up vs the fish and it can spiral out of control unnecessarily if you lose a few small-medium pots in short period. I know it's all about maximizing EV, but there is a mental aspect, and sacrificing a little EV with higher chance of playing solid is going to effectively maximize EV in reality.

This1s Pok$r 4 years, 7 months ago

Well I am playing at 20NL atm and pool just seems to be very passive and regs generally seem to be very imbalanced in certain spots and don't adjust when you get out of line.

I strongly bealive that this idea of getting exploited is more a psichological fear than a real fact. At least at lower limits.

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