First Post/Weird Hand History

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First Post/Weird Hand History

I'm a break even NLH player at the micros. I'm from South Carolina, playing on Global Poker at the micro-stakes, (open to suggestions for other unregulated sites.) Recently, I'm on the slightly losing side and have come here to re-build my game from the ground up. Yes, I bought the course and think Peter did an excellent job making digestible and appropriately challenging content for players like myself.

I have a hand history I was hopping to get some feed back on, so I'll just get right into it.

We're playing $0.05/0.10 6-max on Global Poker. Villain is UTG with $8 in his stack and I am the BB with $12 behind.

Villain limps UTG, action folds to me and I open to $0.30 with TT. Villain calls.

Flop comes 6s 3c 5d.

I check the flop. My thinking is that this flop whiffed both of our ranges and I wouldn't get value enough. I was hopping to induce a bluff or give him a chance to pick up some outs on the turn and go for razor thin value then.

Villain goes all in ($7.90 into a 65 cent pot), I call. Villain tables 2h 4h for the flopped straight.

My thinking was that any over pairs that beat me wouldn't limp call pre-flop. I don't think he should have pockets threes either, but based on his weak pre-flop performance I'm not eliminating it. So I'm thinking I'm facing, at best, 18 combos of value and a whole lot of air. I'm certainly not expecting 2h 4h limp/cold calling UTG, even at the baby stakes.

I'm interested in hearing some thoughts. I feel like the ridiculous raise merits some respect, but I'm also worried I'm over folding if I lay it down here, with such a dry board that I'm mostly missing anyway.

Any ideas on what a pre-flop range of some one who limp calls UTG with 2h 4h looks like?

Let me know, please!

-Penguin Knight


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Bingo 123 5 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to the forums!

Preflop raise a little bigger esp oop. 3bb+1bb per limper +1bb when OOP is generally a good size to go with but feel free to go larger when the situation calls for it

Flop I prefer to bet you hand is not so locked down to put into your trapping range, getting fold from QJ type hands its a win for you as they have quite a bit of equity

As played very opponent dependent, you want to have some kind of read preferably that opponent is ludicrously bad and light with their stackoff ranges

PenguinKnight 5 years, 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback!

Makes a lot of sense. I feel like there's a lot of gaps in my understanding of ranges. I feel like I'm often finding bluffs in my opponent's range that apparently aren't there. If I do bet and he jams in this spot do you find the fold? How do you feel about how villain played this hand?

Bingo 123 5 years, 1 month ago


In the case of facing a raise it's generally not too thrilling on micro's unless you play vs a known maniac. Micro's generally play more fit or fold and tight rather than loose and splashy but that could be just the sites that I know. So it would depend on your pool. This indeed is where range comes. In that case you just look at the math => will be something like you need 45% equity vs range. Then you assign villain a range and see if you get the equity needed. If villain does the jam with A6 type hands its going to be fairly profitable, if its limited to 2pair and better with the occasional straight draw things look much more bleak. It's the skill of the player to determine villain's range as close to reality as possible, the one's who gauge the closest to reality create the biggest edge

forCarlotta 5 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to the forums, I like your attitude and I wish you the best.

Regarding the hand, raise preflop bigger at least 4BB but I would 5x given the fact you play NL10 and players are more passive and stationy than they should be.

My thinking is that this flop whiffed both of our ranges and I wouldn't get value enough

Really not true, he has all the sets and some small overpairs for sure. Also some straight draw is there like A4s. Regarding your range, you don't have sets but you do have all the bigger overpairs

Villain goes all in ($7.90 into a 65 cent pot), I call.

Just fold, in order to call this huge bet you gotta have some info, ie iper spewy and tilt whale. If you don't fold.
You risk too much to gain a little.
Sometimes you call and villain shows A4 or K6, but the vast majority of the times you end up feel like a moron, because you know you were beat.
You can easily double check that, by doing a population analysis if you have a tracker

PenguinKnight 5 years, 1 month ago

I know Global Poker doesn't allow HUDs, would anyone happen to know of any tracking software that would be compatible with Global Poker specifically? Or any other unregulated sites for US players?

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