Finding out player pool overall opening ranges by position

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Finding out player pool overall opening ranges by position

Is there a way to use HM2 to find out the overall opening ranges of your player pool by position?

I know you can in theory create an alias with everyone in it in HM2 but it's not doable in practice. One (possibly stupid) thing I've tried to do in HM2 is to check the number of pots when I'm in MP and the EP player open raises, then divide it by the number of unopened pots when I'm in MP.

This exact example kinda checks out (= roughly 20%) but when I try in other positions (e.g. BTN and CO, SB and BTN) the results look inaccurate (CO supposedly opens 35% and BTN 57%, but I know my player pool is tighter than that) so I might be missing some math concept that screws that up.

Thanks for reading, any answer would be appreaciated.


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akissv7 5 years, 5 months ago

Isn't there a Raise First In (RFI) in HM as that is the easiest way and then create a report for all players and include position. Export the report import in Excel or Google Sheets and then use the Sheets functionality to create the report that is what I do with Poker Tracker (and I only include players with #hands > ....
Oh and don't forget to exclude your own hands.

Seven777 5 years, 5 months ago

Thanks for the answer, but I don't think that's possible with HM2. In theory you can create an alias with multiple players and then check their RFI but in practice you have to add players one by one which takes forever and it can crash if you load too many so I'm looking for another solution if there is one.

BigFiszh 5 years, 5 months ago

[...] then divide it by the number of unopened pots when I'm in MP.

Shouldn't it be divided by the number of ALL pots when you're in MP? But even that should be somewhat fuzzy, unless you're interested specifically in open-ranges when you're in a certain position. Otherwise just take the entire number of hands.

Should work fine when you do the right filters, i.e. for CO-open% basic filters should be set to "number of players between 6 and 6" and "Raiser's position: CO". Get the number, then delete the second filter and divide 1st result by 2nd result. That should give you the correct percentage.

BUT - why the heck are you interested in pool open%?! I could understand when you were interested in pool ranges (which is difficult obviously and not really valid, even with a big alias), but percentages?

Seven777 5 years, 5 months ago

You're right about how it should be divived, thanks for pointing it out.

Well I want to have a good guess at what the RFI of unknown players is basically, and knowing the overall RFI of my player pool would give me that (it's much better than nothing anyway).

For instance on the button against unknown players I 3-bet about 6% vs EP, 8% vs MP and 11% vs CO, I basically assume my opponents' RFI is something like 13/17/23 in these positions but I have no basis for that.

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