Facing weird line in 3 bet Pot NL 50
Posted by foldnowpls
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Low Stakes
Facing weird line in 3 bet Pot NL 50
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
CO: $58.11
BN: $60.84
SB: $60.68 (Hero)
BB: $50.00
UTG: $50.68
MP: $54.82
BN: $60.84
SB: $60.68 (Hero)
BB: $50.00
UTG: $50.68
MP: $54.82
Hero is SB with
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Villain was opening very wide and so decided to 3 bet this hand.
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Normally would just fold but villain seemed very aggro and raising this texture did not make sense to me so I elected to call and see a turn. This board connects with our range so dont think villain should have a raising range here if he wants to avoid being exploitable.
On turn I think we could lead unsure what to do if he bets again potentially x/r though this is up for debate.
On river once we call flop I think our range looks quite strong and value heavy given the lack of draws possible on the flop. Thought he may have some better Ax hands or maybe some tx hands he bluffed with on the flop so decided to bet. As our range is quite strong didnt think I would need to bet much to get the job done. Think this hand is pretty questionable on every street so wanted a sense check really to see if my play is decent or not.
Final Pot
wins and shows high card Ace.
SB lost and shows high card Ace.
CO wins $57.00
Rake is $2.50
SB lost and shows high card Ace.
CO wins $57.00
Rake is $2.50
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I think preflop and flop is pretty standard. You can consider 3betting flop with some reads because in my experience some of these min bets are like Kx with weak kickers that might fold to a shove, so I wouldn't fault that however I think calling is standard with a backdoor flush draw and good implied odds if he has 2 pair+.
Turn is quite standard, leading looks really strange and bluffy so I'd stay away from that. If he bets though I would probably almost always shove, our hand is too good to just call and I don't think there'd be enough room to bluff some rivers if you miss. We could easily have AA AK KK KTs TT for value.
River as played I think it's an okay sizing, but I think our villain is going to show up with a lot of marginal Kx here like KQ KJ K9 maybe JJ-QQ so I decide to bluff this river I think I'd bet huge like probably pot because your not repping any made draws, so to your villain your only value betting AK+ here maybe KQ. If you have reads he's extremely weak when he takes this line then I'd agree with your sizing and you could probably even go like 40% trying to make if look like you could be going for thin value with QQ JJ if you think he has Ax Tx etc.
Overall the hand is not bad.
This guy don't seem to know what he is doing. First, he raises an A high combo as a bluff OTF on such a dry texture and then suddenly on the river decides that he has showdown value vs your strong range. Anyway, I would just fold to the flop raise as a default, this board hits our range pretty well, we don't need to defend this wide vs a raise OTF. It might still be fine with one over + gutshot and the fact that he could be raising anything given that he is clueless. As played, this might be one of the weekest hands you get to the river with after bet/calling the flop (and it will be few weak hands) so it should be ok to bluff.
Looks good.
I like the idea of XRAI the turn vs a bet - even if we make him fold a hand like AQ/AJ, it's a great result, and we have tons of equity vs his range.
Our hand isn t strong enought to call OTF I think (GS+OVC not clean+BDFD). So I d bluff raise OTF since he doesn t rep anything strong (like a raise "for info" with TPNK or 77-TT). I think we have a good FE and good equity against his calling range (when he calls).
I prefer 3beting OTF if you don't want to fold. As played I think your river play is fine.
Your line is absolutely fine, wp
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