facing turn bet/shove fml my EQ :u(

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facing turn bet/shove fml my EQ :u(

idk if hand is better as x/call ? i feel like getting shoved on so often here cuz they want to protect from FDs, so nobody calls that raise of mine.. and then i fold 25% EQ possibly while needing 30% to call shove... and even if i had 30% EQ.. it just sux to call for BE obv.. so isnt it better to x/call OTT to realize the EQ so that i dont have to fold vs shove so much EQ? cuz then he gains so much EV when i fold so much EQ... so isnt better to x/raise lower EQ hands like KQ(no spade no heart)?
what would u do with 45hh/45ss?

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