Facing pot size shove OTR deep
Posted by zhizntakaja
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Low Stakes
Facing pot size shove OTR deep
Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players)
BN: $21.15
SB: $28.35
BB: $20.88
UTG: $24.19 (Hero)
MP: $23.79
CO: $16.03
SB: $28.35
BB: $20.88
UTG: $24.19 (Hero)
MP: $23.79
CO: $16.03
Villain 18/17 3 bet 19 over small sample, also looks pretty aggresive post flop which shows he is capable of bluffing
Hero is UTG with
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Very small 3 bet us being deep, and i seen him 3 betting 4x before , which made me think that he has pretty weak hand in this spot. Any comments about this spot?
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not exactly deep but whatever
Yeah not so deep, he also seems nitty but could still have a high 3b stat, can also just be variance in the small sample ofc.
River looks like a fold
Very easy fold imo. He should have 0 draws on the flop with his range, only busted draw would be a turned GSD/OESD which you even block. Therefore he must be barreling pure air 3 streets. Since hes tight and 3betting vs an UTG range (with a small sample I think the VPIP/PFR is describing him better than his 3bet%), there probably isnt even enough air in his range to begin with.
I think you can even fold the turn, its close though, IP I would call.
Very easy fold OTR vs a nit who 3bets vs UTG. You could even fold the turn.
He actually showed up with A4o though, for me it looked a spot that he doesnt have enough value hands and he would barrel on the K a lot. AK,JJ,KK,AA, KJ,, we have blockers to JJ and KJ, im not sure how many combos it is exactly doesnt seem too many and main reason for calling was his preflop sizing which i would never expect him to go so small with monsters(since he 3 bet me a couple times before, we are deeper and he should want to built the pot). So he doesnt have to have all that many bluffs combos for me to profitably call? anyone can give a link to a thread or a video where these things are explained would appreciate that. Without any reads this probably would be a fold on the turn, but its interesting to know how much he needs to bluff for me to call profitably . Like if he bluffs all his 16 A4 combos is this already a good call?
I'd fold turn...
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