Facing a check raise shove on the turn
Posted by PokerVagabond
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Low Stakes
Facing a check raise shove on the turn
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.00
SB: $5.96
BB: $5.59
UTG: $8.16
MP: $9.01
CO: $7.56 (Hero)
SB: $5.96
BB: $5.59
UTG: $8.16
MP: $9.01
CO: $7.56 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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UTG was playing 31/28 with a 3bet stat over 23 from 40 hands. Against an aggro fish, raising UTG, I don't want to 3bet them and have to face a 4bet and putting myself in a horrible position. I would certainly being raising TT+ and AJs+ for value and could happily call the 4bet. AQo is just a little bit down on my range I think and therefore I elected to call.
BB (26/21 over 19 hands) could have a wide range obviously. Something like A9o+, 22+, suited aces/kings/connectors and most broadways
BB (26/21 over 19 hands) could have a wide range obviously. Something like A9o+, 22+, suited aces/kings/connectors and most broadways
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No need to raise if the aggro fish decides to go mental and barrell away, I call.
When the BB raises you would have to give him a range of TPGK type hands, flopped 2 pair, flush draws and sets, of which there is only 6.
Re raising might get all worse to fold and only keep in the 2 pair and sets. Maybe weak TP hands could call a shove? I once again elect to call .
When the BB raises you would have to give him a range of TPGK type hands, flopped 2 pair, flush draws and sets, of which there is only 6.
Re raising might get all worse to fold and only keep in the 2 pair and sets. Maybe weak TP hands could call a shove? I once again elect to call .
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Once the BB checks then I should be going for value again any flush draws and weaker TP. Once he shoves then I feel I am in a relatively tight spot.
I lose to all sets and 2 pairs and flush draws have decent equity against me.
The maths shows I need roughly 33% equity to make this call. If I give him all flushdraws that I beat and then 2 pairs/sets and some TP that I beat then I only manage to get to around 32% equity. Adding all the random offsuit Aces and suited aces into the mix then It would be a clear call but I don't think many people would be checking raising them into 2 players.
I lose to all sets and 2 pairs and flush draws have decent equity against me.
The maths shows I need roughly 33% equity to make this call. If I give him all flushdraws that I beat and then 2 pairs/sets and some TP that I beat then I only manage to get to around 32% equity. Adding all the random offsuit Aces and suited aces into the mix then It would be a clear call but I don't think many people would be checking raising them into 2 players.
When looking back on the hand I think it's going to have to be a reluctant call considering players at these stakes can do some weird stuff sometimes. Interesting to hear what you think and anyway I can improve my hand analysis?
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I'd check turn behind. Don't think theres an awfull lot of value to be had vs weaker Ax and maybe some fd's. Raising this board on the flop 3way with an aggrofish (low sample though) should be really strong. Theres no real need to protect our hand. Not a big fan of building the pot.
You might be able to get away from this OTF, UTG betting range is strong on this board and and is betting multiway, and you will have good Ax, 99 maybe 22, and BB is raising over both those ranges.
Turn you can either just bet small or check. As played you can most likely be good folding and not worrying that much.
I think you should just consider what it really takes to be balanced raisingg 2 strongn ranges OTF OOP. I wouldnt give BB all the FDs in the world or A2s, and maybe only one combo of 54cc
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