Facing 4bet vs Fish 200bb's deep w KK
Posted by Elmar939
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Low Stakes
Facing 4bet vs Fish 200bb's deep w KK
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
MP: $10.00
CO: $18.97
BN: $19.95
SB: $18.75 (Hero)
BB: $13.39
UTG: $10.00
CO: $18.97
BN: $19.95
SB: $18.75 (Hero)
BB: $13.39
UTG: $10.00
Villain is very fishy playing 56/53 with 14.3% 3b over the last 60 hands. Haven't seen him 4b yet.
Hero is SB with
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I just started playing more deep games, so I find this spot really awkward. How to react to this ridiculously sized 4b? Can we just get it in because villain is quite a big fish? What are the arguments for calling? Seems to me that when we call, it can become really awkward on a lot of flops.
Is folding really bad here?
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Folding is out of the question. Versus a fish I would probably play a strategy where I call his 4bet with hands like AQ/KQs etc, all the way up to KK, and play only AA for value preflop.
Villain can get it in AK/QQ preflop, but we don't know that yet, so I would prefer to play more safe strategy.
And once you call a 4bet with KK, you will play for stacks postflop in many cases, unless the board is something like Axxxx, QJTxxx, QJxxxx....
Not folding, playing for stacks and just calling depends on how wide you think villain will stack off 200bb deep.
id prefer to be flatting my entire range here to the 4bet vs good players. but giving this guy seems very bad i think both by 5bet getting it in or flatting is fine
I like flatting my entire defending range here vs a fish this deep but GII is also fine.
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