Exploiting weak-tight micro stakes 4b/5b ranges
Posted by dannyharts
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Low Stakes
Exploiting weak-tight micro stakes 4b/5b ranges
I've just been watching Steve Paul's preflop ranges video and it's got me thinking. At 25NL and below the standard value ranges he talks about are way off the mark as most (70% of) regs are almost never 4b bluffing and as a result almost nobody is ever 5b bluffing. I do expect most regs to 3bet bluff a polarised range (and many are 10%+, in my DB the best ratio of winners to losers is those who 3bet 10-14% of the time). I expect their 4bet value range to be QQ+, AK and their 5b calling range to be the same (but less combos of AK and QQ as they can flat 3bets sometimes). I also expect that most regs know this, thus will expect any unknown TAG player to play in this way. How can we exploit these facts?
To call a 5 bet after 4betting 20bb over a 3bet of 9bb, we need about 62% equity to be profitable.
Would it make sense (based on the above being correct) to do the following 100bb deep without specific reads vs someone running 22/18 with 6% 3bet or more:
-Tighten our 4b value range to be AA KK only and balance that with like 66-80% bluffs
-Never 5bet bluff
-Only call 5bet jams with AA and KK (obviously)
We could possibly include AKs as this still gives us 63% vs the standard 100bb GII range (KK+ is 70%, QQ+ is 58%)
One downside is that we are now playing more 3bet pots OOP, the upside is that our range for doing so is strong
Keep in mind the player pool is huge and the good ones move up so we rarely get to play 1k+ hands with good players, thus can play more exploitably than at higher games.
I know this is a very incomplete thought and there are other things that need to be considered (realising equity OOP for example), would be really interested in people's ideas.
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