Even though villians range smashes this board, ever folding here? will he have enough bluffs?
Posted by Wiz
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Low Stakes
Even though villians range smashes this board, ever folding here? will he have enough bluffs?
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $52.69
SB: $103.59 (Hero)
BB: $29.03
UTG: $52.94
MP: $30.78
CO: $50.00
SB: $103.59 (Hero)
BB: $29.03
UTG: $52.94
MP: $30.78
CO: $50.00
Hero is SB with
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I never fold this flop when I have bet.
But I will not always bet with QQ
yeah I think in these situations I leak, I almost never check, its always a roughly 30% pot bet for protection, and if you get raised you have a decision to slam it or fold. What's your freq for betting small and checking. I guess you would be influenced by exploitative factors: like villain over bluffing in these situations where he has range advantage then you could bet and happily jam?
What's your freq for betting small and checking
I don't bet small so I don't know.
I just bet 65%.
I don't know for the frequency. In fact I have make a lot of simulation with Pio and I have the picture of what I should do in my head (sometimes I don't and sometimes I mix the picture but generally it's OK for the flop).
Generaly here and often, it make like a wave (I tell you it's in my brain).
Lot's of red in the low right angle and lot's of green in the upper right.
And because I like simple thing I arbitrarly give round number for betting my hands.
I probably bet AA 10% of the times, KK 20% QQ 30%, ..........
If you have Pio you probably understand what I say.
If not buy it.
But if I had to give a general C bet %, I don't think it would be higher than 33% on this flop. And because don't Cbet much it's possible than checking all your range is not that bad.
kind of sticky here but not bad if u have reg war. Also QQ no heart helps.
i like to have some checking frequency on flop too.
Do you checkraise QQ then? Or Play it Slow?
we have better hands for x/raise ... basically in x/raising concept we want some equity if called by the top range like sets.... so before QQ we have better holdings......
The logic behind checking on flop is cause we are on oop disadvantage + the board can be ugly+hitting 3betcaller's range ( dynamic) to barrel 3 streets for value + we want to pot control and pick easier delayed Turn+River for value.
@pokerlogical. I assume to check/call. for pot control to have a relatively easy lay down on certain run outs
I don't think it makes sense to chose a small sizing, high frequency c-betting strategy on this texture. You wanna bet extremely polarized on this flop and check a lot, so a big sizing is the way to go here. I don't know if I would bet QQ here, but if yes, I would go for at least 2/3 pot. I'm saying that I don't know if I would bet QQ here because it is actually pretty down in my range on this flop...I have all sets, 9Ts, 87s, 67s and obviously AA and KK, but those have basically the same relative value vs villain's range. I probably bet without a heart and XC with a heart. As played I think when you jam you are overplaying your hand, his value range crushes your hand and his bluffing range has a huge amount of equity vs you. I'm calling flop and going from there, looking to fold on any heart, T or 9.
+1 with Saulo. But I prefer check QQh.
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