Estimating Sean Lefort's 'R' value

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Estimating Sean Lefort's 'R' value

Hi everyone,

I've been playing around with preflop ranges in CREV recently, but something I'm struggling with is coming up with reasonable 'R' values for different scenarios when I use the checkdown function for postflop play. For anyone who doesn't know, R is the proportion of a player's equity that they can expect to realise for a hand that sees the flop, and is a concept that Sean Lefort frequently touched on in his videos.

The thing is, I'm not really sure how to choose sensible R values for different situations. Take for instance a min-raised BTN vs BB situation, where the players have typical ranges.

What is R for BB when BB flats BTN's min-open? I frequently see values of around 65-70% used.
What about R for BB when BB 3bets and BTN calls?
And what is R for BB when BB 3bets and then flats BTN's 4bet?

I realise that the best way to determine these values would be through database analysis, but I don't think I have a big enough sample size to get accurate answers - at least not for the >SRP situations.

The most obvious factor that effects R is position, but what about other factors?
Is initiative important?
How about stack-to-pot ratio? I would think that R for the OOP player would increase at lower effective stack depths, but intuitively I feel like if I 3b/called a hand like AQs from the BB vs BTN, that my R would be lower than 65%.

I guess the TLDR question of this post would be: are there situations where R for the OOP player deviates significantly from 65-70%?

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