easy spot ,but bad feeling?

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easy spot ,but bad feeling?

CO: $46.44 (Hero)
BN: $28.51
SB: $34.44
BB: $89.90
Seat 9: Player9 ( $89.90 USD ) - VPIP: 23, PFR: 16, 3B: 8, AF: 3.3, Hands: 196

he is reg ,i see him on nl100-nl200 table,but no info
i lost last game than i m not full stack(late click on rebuy)
Preflop ($0.75) (4 Players)
Hero was dealt J Q
Hero raises to $1.50, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $1
Flop ($3.25) J T Q (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $2.50, BB raises to $7.50, Hero calls $5
i try write here something but i dont really know what.
he dont have AK here and set almost never
he can have 98 ,spade draw,JT,QT,QJ,A9 spade(or some other combo KQ,KJ,KT)
dunno what exactly his range for raise is here and what range for call shove.

oard :: JsThQs

Player Equity Win Hi Tie Hi Range

1 52.8 48.0 9.6 QhJc
2 47.2 42.4 9.6 JT,QT,QJ,As9s,KQ,KJ,KT,AsTs,98

i dunno why i have bad feel about this game (i have good session ,no tilt at all)
Turn ($18.25) 6 (2 Players)
BB bets $12.50
blank card,i think i must shove here or not?


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modernbuddha 11 years, 2 months ago

Shoving turn or 4-betting to get it in on the flop isn't bad. Villain never has AK, TT, JJ, QQ because his range is capped and we get value from worse two pairs and draws. 

scourrge 11 years, 2 months ago

If we think he bet/calls turns with worse then just flat his x/r on the flop. Fwiw we can't 4bet flop, that would be a 3bet. 3betting flop is probably fine too since we charge all his draws. My only concern is that we allow him to play close to perfectly - his draws will continue if they get the right price, sets will get it in, if he has a straight he gets it in, and there's a non-zero chance he folds two pair (though I guess this is unlikely at this level).

Daz 11 years, 2 months ago

If you going to put the last bet in at least wait for a safe turn. Villain is check/raising the flop with K9/98 and then some combo draws. If you willing to stack off with this hand at least allow your equity to improve versus the part of his rnage you actually can beat. 

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