Easy river call or tough fold?

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Easy river call or tough fold?

UTG: Sheriffu: $7.64
HJ: Mr. Kenwood: $11.65
CO: Dr. von Zock: $11.97
BN: tigertonkin: $5.65
SB: Vik@ St@rs: $1.15
BB: PorntiK: $6.70
A few hands before this I made a play in the BB where the BTN raises, Mr Kenwood called and I 3B to 46c holding Th 8c. The BTN folded but Kenwood called. From this I gathered his calling range is wide as any v.strong hand would surely have been 4b pf. He also check/folded to my C-bet of 70c on a K 9 4 r board. So my image of him is passive and a bit of calling station.

Preflop ($0.07) (6 Players)
tigertonkin was dealt 3 6
Sheriffu folds, Mr. Kenwood calls $0.05, Dr. von Zock folds, tigertonkin raises to $0.20, Vik@ St@rs folds, PorntiK folds, Mr. Kenwood calls $0.15
So the HJ (kenwood) limps which reaps of weakness, I am on the BTN and feel this is a good place to steal and decide to pop it upto 20c. The HJ calls. The fact that he just calls, i think removes hands like QQ+ or AK as at this level I feel anyone especially a limper is going to 4B those hands PF all day everday.
Flop ($0.47) 6 J 3 (2 Players)
Mr. Kenwood checks, tigertonkin bets $0.30, Mr. Kenwood calls $0.30
The flop is dream for me. I decide the best play here is to c-bet once he checks to represent me hitting the J. I understand as I am on the BTN my range is going to be wide but at the same time I am not going to be C-betting so much on this flop without hitting. I am not sure if Kenwood is thinking so deeply about my hand and has probably decided I am c-betting even if I miss the flop. He decides to call, which again means I can remove trips from his hand because of the flush draw and probably AJ and A6 as he would of either bet first or check/raised these. The only hands I feel I can put him on now is JK-J8, a weak flush draw (strong nut flush draws would surely raise?) and maybe a drawing hand like 57, 45, mid pairs and weak Aces that have hit, A6, A3.
Turn ($1.07) 6 J 3 4 (2 Players)
Mr. Kenwood checks, tigertonkin bets $0.70, Mr. Kenwood calls $0.70
The turn is the 4h completing the flush. The fact he checks this feels very weak to me. If he did have 57 he has obviously hit but he would only check that hand if it was off-suit and surely he would never be limping pre-flop in the HJ with 57off? I decide to bet again, firstly to protect my hand from another heart on the river, value and the intention to call if he min raises. He again calls which leads me to feel he is on a hand like J9-JK.
River ($2.47) 6 J 3 4 8 (2 Players)
Mr. Kenwood checks, tigertonkin bets $1.45, Mr. Kenwood raises to $5.35

The river is the 8c which is good card for me.

Again he checks and now I fire a bet out of around 60% of pot for value which I feel is also small enough from him to call with a JX hand.

What happens next surprised me. He puts me all in for basically and extra $4.

What do you guys put him on? (I forgot to mention, I clicked on his profile and noticed he was from Russia)

Do you call / fold ?

Also can you see any major leaks of either my play or reading of hand ranges on each street?


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Chael Sonnen 11 years, 7 months ago

The isolation is too loose. Fold pre-flop.
As played, I like this thin value bet on the river, but it's a clear fold when he raises. Not even a remotely difficult fold.

Eddie Spencer-Small 11 years, 7 months ago

Agreed with everything Chael says. If ever a passive player over-shoves their whole stack, they always have it. Calling stations don't know how to balance their value range so whenever they shove, you can be 99% sure they have some kind of combination which beats you. Your 63 isnt even a huge favourite in this spot, your opponent could legitimately have a flush, 57, 66, JJ, 33, 88, J8 etc. I think it was played fine apart from preflop (which you should have folded, it may look nice and deceptive if you flop big, but the times you do flop big with a hammerlock on the hand are rare - and even then if you do have a hammerlock on the hand OTF, you probably won't get much value out of your opponent - this hand has huge reverse implied odds), and folding OTR is the only option in this spot.

Quick word of advice, don't judge a players playing style based on their nationality, poker culture has dictated that all Russians are lunatics who don't know what they're doing, and whilst to some certain extent this may be true, the truth is, its far better to judge a playing style on actual evidence, such as statistics from a poker tracker (if you have one), or notes taken on them from your playing history if you don't have a tracker. I've heard that some players put down their nationality online as Russian so people will think they're fish, and whilst you probably won't get many of these people at 5nl, nevertheless it still shows that you shouldn't regard such flimsy "evidence" as fact.

But, hopefully, nice fold ;) 

Joe Tonkin 11 years, 7 months ago

Thanks Hustla!

Normally I would wait for more responses but everyone seems to be tearing my play to shreds and saying its an EASY FOLD.

I actually called after putting him on JX and he actually turned over a complete bluff Kh 10d! :-)


Eddie Spencer-Small 11 years, 7 months ago

There's always a chance they might be bluffing, hence why players at micro stakes call so much ;) Seriously, congrats on the soul read, but you're going to be dead there a significant proportion more than when youre ahead.

TheLove_Below 11 years, 7 months ago

Joe i think we shouldnt be results oriented here. I actually dont hate how you played the hand. 

On the river, i think i have to agree with the others that its a fold, and realistically speaking, i dont think VIllain is Jamming many worse JX on the river, GIven how Wet the board texture is. 

1) Say VIllains T(d) was instead T(h), wouldnt you be hating yourself on the river call? 

On situations like these, i would give villain more credit, and fold, since essentially 36 on the river is a bluff-catchers on Villains likely Missed draw hand range.

Joe Tonkin 11 years, 7 months ago

Hey Thelove_below,I have had a few days to think about it and you are right. Orginally I was like, 'it was a great call' how is everyone thinking its an instant fold? But I was completely results oriented. I made another one yesterday holding A high on a flush draw board. My inital reaction was 'boom' but then I started to think, how often am I winning with hero calls on these types of boards at this level, and its not alot.I feel like the way I am thinking about the game is correct however my fundamentals / opening ranges need to be tightened up!

Thanks for your comments, they are helping my game.

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