Easiest application to begin with?
Posted by Tommi Heikinniemi
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Tommi Heikinniemi
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Low Stakes
Easiest application to begin with?
I'm kinda oldschool player who had pretty good success on nl400-nl600 years ago when coaching sites just started to get publicity and games were soft w/o balance. Honestly I feel I have dropped out especially during spent some lazy years out from 6max games.
I feel nl100 can be pretty damn competitive nowadays especially with high rake systems sites have.
Playing on Party's fastforward nl100 now. I am not sure how competitive it is compared to other sites but I guess it's softer than Pokerstars' zoom. It's frustrating to just grind 100k hands break even or even little bit losing game.
After watching most 6max videos in your site I feel it might be necessary to start use tools even in SSNL. Everyone using here those tools? I mean Piosolver, CRev etc... I find them complex and hard to start with at the first glance. Which route would u recommend? Which application might be best option to buy? I tried Pokersnowie a bit with a free trial but I am not sure is it a real deal even for a lazy person or is there better one for presenting my leaks? At least it's as easy as one can be. Still, I didn't kinda trust enought for the information PokerSnowie gave since it's such a vacuum gto environment. Then there are at least PioSolver and some other tools.
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In some ways PioSolver is both the easiest and most advanced software to use because you only need to pick bet sizes and preflop ranges to get good output. Most other software requires you to have an idea of solid strategy and an idea of what other players are doing to get useful output. You can do the same with CREV, but its interface is way less intuitive and setting up the game tree takes a lot of time.
Flopzilla together with HoldEq is a great tool to examine ranges and is a much cheaper alternative.
I recommend that you don't use Pokersnowie for postflop because it's pretty far off from what is a optimal strategy in a very large amount of 6max beyond the flop. I learned a number of things from Snowie 2-3 years ago, but there are better options available today for the same price.
any thoughts on poker ranger?
I don't like it as much as other software (e.g. HoldEq and PowerEquilab) because it doesn't support the ability to weight hands without choosing specific suits.
I agree w Kalupso, I think for starting out using Flopzilla and HoldEq is a great option. Honestly you can get a ton out of those tools and by the time you are ready for something more advanced I think Pio and CRev won't seem so daunting to learn.
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